Feeling Guilty After Eating Anything

Hey there, it's me again. I'm always worried about the dumbest things. :/

So, this is how I actually feel. Like, literally feel. In my head. This isn't something I'm just blurting out because it sounds fun. So I expect patient, civil answers to this..

That being said..

Is it normal to feel guilty after I eat? I've been sticking to a kale+vegetable diet. I don't cook with bad fats, I make sure to put a little good fat into my food. I eat a lot of garlic, almonds, kale and pine nuts, among other things. And I'm not going nuts with the health food, I'm getting a little black licorice in once in a while. Point being, I try to stay 500 calories above my daily budget, while eating what I work out as well.

I'm trying to loose weight slowly, healthy. In a safe way, and I'm also trying to make this a normal eating habit of eight tiny meals a day, instead of what I did months ago for the majority of my life. (Eat one huge meal right before bed. I know, it's horrible.)

I'm basically doing damage control on my body from years of neglect and laziness. The weight isn't going to just dissappear, it's been there for a long, long time. And I've only just started on my journey.

Thing is, lately, every time I eat anything, I feel bad for eating. Like at all. And I know damn well I can't just not eat, that's just as bad as eating too much. So once again, I have reason in my head, but I can't help how I feel deep down, you know? It's just how I feel. I don't plan on acting on it, but at the same time, I don't exactly like it.

I just wondered if this is normal, or.. if maybe anyone's felt the same way? Maybe this is just a phase..? I don't know. I wanted to talk out my feelings to people who might understand is all.

Thanks for listening. :3


  • JoeCampbell85
    I think 'normal' is all relative. For me, I had an awful sweet tooth. Now, I fill guilty eating anything with more than a gram or two of add sugar. I think guilt is an unfortunate but driving force behind weight loss. I fee guilty I let myself get overweight. I feel guilty that I let my eyes get the better of me and ate that piece of cake. I think there has to be a paradigm shift where you realize food isn't your enemy. It didn't make you overweight. Food is necessary, it keeps you alive, and sometimes its good!

    If you have overbearing guilt, though, I suggest you talk to a counselor that specializes in weight disorder management. There is nothing wrong with seeking help.
  • ashleypietz
    ashleypietz Posts: 87 Member
    I think it's normal to worry about what you eat during weight loss and it may be a phase since you haven't experienced the feelings before. I think you may want to note those feelings in your food journal just to get them out in the open and see if they go away on their own. If they don't go away or get worse, you should talk with your doctor or therapist.
  • alyssamaryw
    I would try to focus on the other side of it - meeting your macros. You can't meet your macros if you don't eat.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I'm trying to loose weight slowly, healthy. In a safe way, and I'm also trying to make this a normal eating habit of eight tiny meals a day, instead of what I did months ago for the majority of my life. (Eat one huge meal right before bed. I know, it's horrible.)

    Meal timing has no bearing on weight loss or health effects. Your metabolism is constant and doesn't go to sleep with you. Eating 1 meal or 20 meals...doesn't change anything. Eating right before bed or eating right after you wake up, once again does not change anything. So you can rest easy there and not stress about so many meals unless it makes it easier for you to keep your calorie level in check this way.

    Thing is, lately, every time I eat anything, I feel bad for eating. Like at all. And I know damn well I can't just not eat, that's just as bad as eating too much. So once again, I have reason in my head, but I can't help how I feel deep down, you know? It's just how I feel. I don't plan on acting on it, but at the same time, I don't exactly like it.

    I just wondered if this is normal, or.. if maybe anyone's felt the same way? Maybe this is just a phase..? I don't know. I wanted to talk out my feelings to people who might understand is all.
    I'm going to tell you that you need to keep an eye on this type of mentality and possibly get some help. It is not healthy to feel this way. I am not a psychologist and by no means take what I say as law but from my experiences this feeling comes from a self-loathing in relation to your body. You realize how hard it is to lose the weight and begin to get angry with yourself that "you let it get this bad". This is usually where the feeling of "hate myself when I'm eating things" comes from and typically requires professional help.

    I wish you the best with your journey!