
Shakeology, Herbalife, Weight Watcher, TOPS, and all the other things out there to help you lose weight.
Not sure where to turn, and how to start...

I have tried many things and I have been on and off this sight for years..
Just need some major motivation...


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    You are on MFP so why not try that? ;)

    Dianne gave you the info you need to get started.
  • familyizzy
    familyizzy Posts: 26
    We've all been there. The thing is to make small changes, and move around more. I tried weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and some fast diets........always gained the weight back. Now I try and make better choices......small steps. No sugar in coffee or tea (you get use to it after awhile). Frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, salad or veggies with most meals, bread only once a day (instead of lunch and dinner), and keep moving. Clean the house, work in the yard, cut the grass, walk in the mall (even if it's slow walking it's moving). MFP has helped me tons. Logging really keeps me close to my daily goal. Yes we all go over and have bad days.....but then something amazing happens and the good days out number the bad ones. Keep trying.......that's the key.
  • 66maryellen
    Thank you very much.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Yup read all the links provided by other poster. You don't need to pay anyone to lose weight, no gimmicks just a suitable calorie deficit.
  • Emeryeon
    Emeryeon Posts: 61
    when i need motivation i look at skinny girls or before and after pictures
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Shakeology, Herbalife, Weight Watcher, TOPS, and all the other things out there to help you lose weight.
    Not sure where to turn, and how to start...

    I have tried many things and I have been on and off this sight for years..
    Just need some major motivation...

    Motivation has to come from within you. No one can make you start to eat better and keep it going but you. You will find friends along the way who will support you, but they don't control what you eat or how much exercise you do. That's all up to you.

    Want it bad enough and you will succeed.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    We've all been there. The thing is to make small changes, and move around more. I tried weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and some fast diets........always gained the weight back. Now I try and make better choices......small steps. No sugar in coffee or tea (you get use to it after awhile). Frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, salad or veggies with most meals, bread only once a day (instead of lunch and dinner), and keep moving. Clean the house, work in the yard, cut the grass, walk in the mall (even if it's slow walking it's moving). MFP has helped me tons. Logging really keeps me close to my daily goal. Yes we all go over and have bad days.....but then something amazing happens and the good days out number the bad ones. Keep trying.......that's the key.


    Make small changes that you can live with. I eat more veggies, I move more, I snack less. Your list may look different.....that's fine. Do what is sustainable.

    Logging meals/snacks in MFP is super helpful in helping you find out what your changes will be. Some foods will not be "worth it".... others will be. It's all your choosing really.

    Read the threads .....really helpful.
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    Ask yourself why you're really doing this and what you want the outcome to truly be. I absolutely agree, motivation has to come from within, and it's something you need to continuously create. As far as the "plan", do what's feasible and even more importantly enjoyable to you. I change all the time and enjoy a variety of things, but the goal and outcome remain the same.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Here are a few tips that I found to work for me:
    1. Make MFP your home page
    2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it.
    3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt load of change all at once
    4. Always be honest. We all fall on our way to the top, be honest, no one is judging you here... we all support eachother
    5. Keep trying new things until you find what works for you (It took me a while to find my plan and it works great for me but I wouldn't push it on anyone else)
    6. It's easier to lift weights than the burdens of carrying weight.
    7. Take it one day at a time.
    8. Have a cheat day or meal, where you eat what you want
    9. Try to talk to yourself as if you are talking to your child or loved one. Often times the thing we need most is to be a better friend to ourselves.
    10. Smile
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    MFP is the only thing that has worked for me! Log every sip and bite.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    None of those. Try adding in things to your daily diet instead of restriciting yourself. Watch hungry for change for inspiration. Check out weight loss documentaries on youtube. Just start yourself a food diary and write down everything you eat, do as activity and are feeling for each day. Weigh and measure your foods. Pay attention to serving sizes. Stay basic when it comes to eating. Eat whole foods instead of lab made foods. Look at the ingredients when buying foods. Example: if it is the choice between bleached flour or whole wheat flour pick whole wheat. If its lean meat or fatty meat, pick lean meats. You don't have to pay for any meal plans to lose weight. I love the basics of what weight watchers teaches but you can do this on your own for sure. Add in daily exercise. Eat (and burn off) less than your maintenance cals and you will lose weight. Track everything you eat every day. I keep a written journal along with mfp. I make myself lots of small goals to achieve too. You can do this. A big tip: if you make sure you exercise then its okay to eat more and you will still lose. So definitely exercise but focus on the calories and portion sizes you take in.