Bodymedia Goal setting and MFP

shayou Posts: 5 Member
Hey guys,

I have recently bought a Bodymedia Fit and i really love it.
I used to have a fitbit and didn't find it so accurate in terms of Calories burning, Bodymedia seems much better for me.

Now I have synced my bodymedia and MFP accounts, and trying to adjust the goal.
I have put a goal of 0.5lb Loss per week in Bodymedia which translates there to 1975 cal burned and 1425 cal consumed.
I have put the same cal consumption objective in MFP (1425 cal), but I feel completely stupid in the comparison of both websites.
At the end of my day ysterday for example, MFP announced me i had a deficit of 628 cal, where Bodymedia was showing a deficit of 1040.
So in the end i am in deficit, ok, but I'm not sure which one should I listen to.

Is there a way to sync the goals between bodymedia and MFP to have something that is similar?
I guess that bodymedia is including the deficit that I should keep (550) into the total deficit announced at the end of the day, but what about MFP?
This is very confusing for me and it doesn't help me to reach my macros.
I feel i'm asking a stupid question but I would much appreciate if somebody could explain me.

Thank you!


  • shayou
    shayou Posts: 5 Member
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member

    I have a similar question - I've looked at older post in the forums and they are way more detailed than I can understand (or care to understand really) and I just want to know what number is being pushed to MFP from BM in regards to cal burned.

    For instance if BM says I burned 1700 cal for the day, when I look at MFP the calories transferred say 500 cal burned from exercise. So, is BM only transferring cal OVER my base cal burn (1200)?

    Edit for typos :laugh: