Finding it hard to get back on track

Hi all,

I'm looking for some moral support to get me through a bit of a tough patch! I started what I call my 'lifestyle change' back in January - eating healthier and less, and exercising more. I've lost 10kg since then, and am halfway to my target weight, hoping to reach my goal by around next Christmas. It might sound slow, but it's steady and sustainable - so far! I've been great at going to the gym as I love it, but was finding it harder to cut back on the food. However, I had been doing well and had gotten into a routine and, the more I was doing it, the easier it became until eating healthy seemed to just be a habit. But.........I've just come back from 2 weeks hols where I was eating out twice or three times a day, snacking whenever I wanted - you know how it is. Now I feel like I am right back to where I was in January (psychologically, not weight-wise). I've lost my healthy routine and am finding it so hard to get back to it! I keep telling myself that these cravings for food will pass, but I find myself in a constant battle all day to resist eating! I had to keep distracting myself all evening to keep my mind off food - it's exhausting!! I'm trying to get back on the horse after a fall, but it's so very hard! Any words of support or motivation would be so much appreciated!

Thank you! :)


  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    I have done this before myself. And the only solution is honestly one you already know. And that is just to do it. You know how to get where you want to be, you've lost weight, you've gotten into a routine. You just have to buckle down and actually do it. It won't be all that easy, but it is all you've got. You CAN do it :)
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Just keep logging everything honestly, good or bad. Seeing the numbers in the red or green always motivates me.
  • spolzin3
    spolzin3 Posts: 4 Member
    This is all part of losing weight and learning to live in a healthy way. Losing the motivation or desire happens, but part of the battle is learning how to overcome those feelings. For me it means remembering my WHY. Why did I choose to begin this journey in the first place? And secondly, remembering how good it feels to be in control and live in a healthy way. Get back on track by logging, drinking your water, and moving everyday! You are worth it! Working towards a healthier you is the most important thing you can do for yourself. You've come this far, don't lose your progress!
  • ptroses
    ptroses Posts: 65 Member
    Maybe you don't realize it yet, but you've already started back on your journey just by placing this post. The most important key to meeting weight loss/ fitness goals in to always be honest with yourself! Next, forgive yourself and move on! After I go through these moments, I have to start from the beginning and review how I got started and reflect on what worked! Logging is so important. When I slack off on logging, even if I think I'm being good, things don't work out for me. This is a hard truth for me, but I have to honest with myself and remember why I chose this journey. When sticking to goals and loosing weight get really tough for me, I have to make little tiny goals, like choosing to eat an apple instead of a higher, less nutritious snack like animal crackers (which I really love). I also set weekly goals/ challenges, like working out and sticking to calorie goals with a reward at the end, such as a pedicure or a new outfit from my favorite resale shop. Whatever you decide to do, just don't give up, even if you fall down sometimes. If this was easy, the fitness industry wouldn't be what it is now and obesity wouldn't be an epidemic . Oh yeah, if it's getting boarding, shake it up, find some fun ways to exercise or cook. Like spontaneously invite friends over for a dance party or plan a recipe exchange party.