I want to stay commited this time!

I have in the last 4 years put on all the weight I once lost (which was only half my goal).

This year I was on and off dieting yielding almost no results. In the last few weeks I kind of just gave up and have just been eating and eating. I feel awful, I need to start over. I keep "committing" and then giving up with in days.

I need to take responsibility, but it is so hard. It has been hard.

Please advise and support?


  • ChinaCass
    ChinaCass Posts: 22 Member
    One of the things I've found that's helped me with my dieting is to not deny yourself! Craving chocolate? Have some! As long as you eat in moderation, in addition to a healthy, well-balanced diet, and exercise, you should be losing in no time :)