Do you treat yourself?

kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
When you reach a goal or mini goal do you treat yourself? And not meaning food, but like a pedicure, or a new article of clothing or something? What is something you do to reward yourself for reaching that goal?


  • Treating yourself is a must. Im planning a cruise for when my wife and I each reach my end goal!
  • I have rewards planned for myself for each 10 lbs that I lose and they're listed on my profile so I can refer back to them and stay motivated!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I thought about this...still deciding what my "treat" will be when I reach my goal...something good! lol
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    Absolutely! That's what helps me in the LONG road I have ahead of me. I have bought a cute new shirt, some perfume, planning on getting my hair cut and colored, when I reach 50 lbs lost I'm buying myself a cute necklace and earrings from a jewelry store that I've been wanting but never bothered to buy. Another one is getting a babysitter and having a night away with my hubby. These little rewards help me focus on the small successes and not the fact that I have such a huge amount to lose and will be at this for quite a while before I reach my goal.
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    My signature is dedicated to my goal "treats" when I reach them! Haha.
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    Mine is so silly, but its something I have wanted. When I reach my 40lbs weight loss goal, I want to get my teeth whitened. My dentist has a new procedure they do...takes an hour and then you are done. He said everyone has been so pleased with the results. And my teeth arent bad at all, but I drank alot of sweet tea growing up and coffee now and over the years it just takes a toll on your teeth. Also, since I turn 30 this year, its just something I think would add to the new "me" :)
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    That sounds like an awesome treat to me. :) I bought some of those 'do it yourself' crest whitening strips, but I have yet to use them. I'm sure a professional dentist method would work better, though. :p
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Mine is so silly, but its something I have wanted. When I reach my 40lbs weight loss goal, I want to get my teeth whitened. My dentist has a new procedure they do...takes an hour and then you are done. He said everyone has been so pleased with the results. And my teeth arent bad at all, but I drank alot of sweet tea growing up and coffee now and over the years it just takes a toll on your teeth. Also, since I turn 30 this year, its just something I think would add to the new "me" :)

    I am loving this idea!
  • LOL - my wife is going to kill me.

    One of the goals/treats I have had in the back of my head since starting is *if* I can reach my goal of 180-185lbs (from 238) *and* I can start developing more definition in my biceps and shoulders then I will get a tattoo on my shoulder.

    I have never had a tattoo and I am 37 so I if this is the stupidest thing I have done in my life, I can live with that. I've always wanted one.

    I am scared to death of the pain of a tattoo and the fact that the goal was so far out there gave me comfort, but after a year I just cracked under 200 for the first time and my arms are becoming more developed from the strength training. This may be more real than I thought.

    But my first treat was a year after I started - my wife forced me to go out an buy new pants beacause my belt could hold up my old ones any more. I had dropped from a 42in waist to a 36in in one year. I almost fell over and it really motivated me again.
  • pahic
    pahic Posts: 4
    I think treats are a great reward! They motivate you to keep going! Now I guess I just need to pick some for myself!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I definitely think rewards for being good to yourself are necessary.

    I've set my first goal/reward at a 20 pds loss which I'm hoping to do before my birthday (March 10). That's cutting it close, but I'm working on it. When I do meet it, I'm going to buy myself another iphone. (My last one was stolen and I've not got an android which is supposed to be just as good...and, well, it isn't!) I'm hoping to meet my goal prior to my birthday so I can buy myself the phone otherwise I'm pretty sure my husband will get it for me.

    Do treat yourself with something other than food. You've worked hard so you deserve it!!!
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