not really a clear question but....?

Well, im back after 3 months and i can outwalk my old self. I *finally* got a pedometer and wear it daily. Five days a week (sometimes six) i break the 13000 steps while at work. I am soooo excited ????. Tomorrow morning i begin a 30 min yoga routine. Im happy about that too. On the flip side, im doubting if i have been eating enough calories. I broke away from here and a few weeks ago began using Noom.....with a smidge under 1500 caloroies as my daily goal. They dont give you an activity level option, so for here i have it set for moderately active. Now i get 2200ish? Did i choose the right one? I work as a stable hand, so i cant easily set it as sedentary and add in the bajillion things i do... With noom, i lost a total of 7 pounds, but gained back 5 in the last 10 days (nothing changed in my diet or job).


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Yoga and walking don't burn a lot of calories, I would probably go with lightly active and not eat back exercise calories.

    Also, do you use a food scale? And if you open your diary, we can take a look at it. But to gain 5 lbs of new fat, you would have to eat an additional 17,500 calories above your TDEE or maintenance calories.
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    I might try adding the things you do at work for a week or so and then deciding. I'm sure you're at least moderately active with the things a stable hand would do. I found I was getting a lot of exercise when I worked as a maid in college. My arms never looked better, though I didn't do anything outside of the job. I know the jobs aren't exactly the same, but I'm sure you do as much or more heavy lifting and repetitive work.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Work (including housework, yard work, and child care) is activity level, not exercise.

    Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. And we should all be looking for the maximum number of calories at which we lose weight, never the minimum. So eat 2,200 calories for several weeks, then reevaluate.

    The Sexypants post should be required reading:
  • kbsangel86
    kbsangel86 Posts: 25
    Yoga and walking don't burn a lot of calories, I would probably go with lightly active and not eat back exercise calories.

    Also, do you use a food scale? And if you open your diary, we can take a look at it.

    Wasnt counting the walking as exercise and wasnt sure if i wanted to count the yoga either since they are/will be an everyday thing. The majority of my steps are pushing or pulling 150# carts, lifting 50-65# buckets to chest height (from ground) carrying and throwing 65# hay bales, toting water buckets and things of that nature which added to my doubt of "am i really picking the right level?".
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The only way to know if you've picked the right level is to give it at least two weeks, then reevaluate.
  • kbsangel86
    kbsangel86 Posts: 25
    Work (including housework, yard work, and child care) is activity level, not exercise.

    Gotcha...i remembere that from before and must admit, i never reallylogged my exercise due to my "is it really this level or this one? And did i really burn that many calorie?" At the moment, fitbit type things arent in the budget :- /

    Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. And we should all be looking for the maximum number of calories at which we lose weight, never the minimum. So eat 2,200 calories for several weeks, then reevaluate.

    The Sexypants post should be required reading:

    Good logical read (thank you!!), but trial and error....*groooooans* i suppose its inevitable and i just have to not be discouraged if it is error
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    The only way to know if you've picked the right level is to give it at least two weeks, then reevaluate.

    I agree with this. The whole journey is trial and error and figuring out what works for you. :)
  • kbsangel86
    kbsangel86 Posts: 25
    Thanks :) Reckon i will see what happens (and pray i dont gain....i get discouraged easily when i bust my tail and gain instead of lose) ????
  • kbsangel86
    kbsangel86 Posts: 25
    Forgot to say, yes i have a scale, but my diary is empty. I havent used it in 3 months or so (i got ticked off and kicked the bucket so to speak)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You have a lot of weight to lose, so a little trial & error is only a drop in the bucket. Try to see the bigger picture!

    Spend that time learning to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh everything you eat—even packaged food. Measure every liquid that has calories.

    Logging is simple, but it ain't easy. Logging works.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Forgot to say, yes i have a scale, but my diary is empty. I havent used it in 3 months or so (i got ticked off and kicked the bucket so to speak)

    Well this explains the regain.
  • kbsangel86
    kbsangel86 Posts: 25
    Forgot to say, yes i have a scale, but my diary is empty. I havent used it in 3 months or so (i got ticked off and kicked the bucket so to speak)

    Well this explains the regain.

    Yep. No one to blame but anger was not due to the trial and error here, but to other things going on in life. Not a smart choice, i know...eventually i figured out some things and realized i cant let life run me. About a month ago i started relogging every morsel, but with noom, not mfp.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I would start you at lightly active and when you restart logging, I would change your macros to include more protein and fats. The standard MFP breakout is light on both (gotta love the FDA standard, lol). Most people find 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats to be a fairly good ratio.