Before i get started i just want to say YES i weigh all my food, every single thing that goes in my mouth.
I eat 1600 calories a day. Im 5'8 175 pounds. I run 5 days a week but only 2-3 miles at a time. I lift heavy 3 days a week.
I have no lost a single pound in 2 months. My weight keeps going up a few pounds and down back to 175.
I will say that i did lose a few inches but how come i am not losing weight?

No i am not new to exercise nor did i start a new routine.
Should i eat more that 1600? I do not eat my exercise calories back , im not sure how much i am burning because i cannot afford a HRM at the moment so i am afraid to over eat. My TDEE is around 2100 so i know for a fact i am in a deficit since i weigh everything.


  • ClinicalTrial
    ClinicalTrial Posts: 55 Member
    If you aren't underestimating your consumption, you're overestimating your TDEE. It's as simple as that - most likely the latter if not a combination.
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    If you aren't underestimating your consumption, you're overestimating your TDEE. It's as simple as that - most likely the latter if not a combination.

    All the online calculators say my TDEE is between 2100-2400 i go with the lowest. I know my TDEE isnt lower that 2000 because of my height and weight. Even then i still should be losing weight eating 1600 calories and exercising 5 days a week and not eating the calories back.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Do you have any medical conditions? And can you open your food diary?
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    Do you have any medical conditions? And can you open your food diary?

    No, and i log on a different site. I use this site for the forums.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    TDEE and other online calculators (BMI, BMR, etc) are only accurate for those who have an average amount of body fat to lean mass. i don't, and lots of others don't, as well. a heart rate monitor would be helpful, but most HRMs also only approximate calorie burn. btw, there are some very inexpensive HRMs that are a bit feature-free, but could still be worth using. there are some for under $30 on amazon, and even some under $20. some of those have less quality control, but amazon will exchange if you happen to get a lemon.

    if you're not losing weight, cut 500 calories per day out of the calories you eat and see what happens. if your weight is fairly consistent with what you're eating now, 500 less calories would mean losing about a pound per week.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you are losing inches than you aren't stuck. Weight loss isn't linear and there are times you won't lose the scale # but drop inches/sizes and then drop the scale # and possibly not drop inches for a bit.

    Keep doing what you are doing because in the larger scheme of things, do you want the scale # or do you want to be able to fit into smaller clothes?
  • tammylegattjohnson1
    Your strategy sounds very intense! Have you tried doing some strength training and just eating right. You should enjoy your journey to a healthy lifestyle instead of suffering and seeing no results.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    If you aren't underestimating your consumption, you're overestimating your TDEE. It's as simple as that - most likely the latter if not a combination.

    All the online calculators say my TDEE is between 2100-2400 i go with the lowest. I know my TDEE isnt lower that 2000 because of my height and weight. Even then i still should be losing weight eating 1600 calories and exercising 5 days a week and not eating the calories back.
    I'm 5 ft 4 inches tall and weigh 139 pounds and my TDEE is around 2100 (and I'm 52), so it seems like yours would be even more.

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Been to the doc?
  • mrsbrown109
    mrsbrown109 Posts: 3 Member
    What is TDEE?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    What is TDEE?

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    TDEE and other online calculators (BMI, BMR, etc) are only accurate for those who have an average amount of body fat to lean mass. i don't, and lots of others don't, as well. a heart rate monitor would be helpful, but most HRMs also only approximate calorie burn. btw, there are some very inexpensive HRMs that are a bit feature-free, but could still be worth using. there are some for under $30 on amazon, and even some under $20. some of those have less quality control, but amazon will exchange if you happen to get a lemon.

    if you're not losing weight, cut 500 calories per day out of the calories you eat and see what happens. if your weight is fairly consistent with what you're eating now, 500 less calories would mean losing about a pound per week.
    No. She said she weighs her food and eats 1600, therefore if she cuts 500 calories it will put her at 1100. That's not good.
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    eat more
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    1600 is already a healthy deficit so eat back your exercise calories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Do you have any medical conditions? And can you open your food diary?

    No, and i log on a different site. I use this site for the forums.

    I would recommend switching to this site. It's hard to help without seeing a diary? In the last 30 days, how many entries are not complete? What is your macronutrient breakout... grams or % would suffice. Also, is 1600 total calories or net calories?

    And when was the last time you had some bloodwork. The most common issues are PCOS and thyroid. Something to consider.
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    If you aren't underestimating your consumption, you're overestimating your TDEE. It's as simple as that - most likely the latter if not a combination.

    All the online calculators say my TDEE is between 2100-2400 i go with the lowest. I know my TDEE isnt lower that 2000 because of my height and weight. Even then i still should be losing weight eating 1600 calories and exercising 5 days a week and not eating the calories back.
    I'm 5 ft 4 inches tall and weigh 139 pounds and my TDEE is around 2100 (and I'm 52), so it seems like yours would be even more.

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Been to the doc?

    When i calculated it i put sedentary. Im pretty sure its more than that but i went with the lowest. I have no medical issues. I have actually lost 50 pounds so far but in the last 7 months i only lost 20 pounds. Im trying to figure out if i should eat more but im scared i will gain.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    If you are losing inches than you aren't stuck. Weight loss isn't linear and there are times you won't lose the scale # but drop inches/sizes and then drop the scale # and possibly not drop inches for a bit.

    Keep doing what you are doing because in the larger scheme of things, do you want the scale # or do you want to be able to fit into smaller clothes?


    It's hard not to focus on the scale #. I mean from birth we're practically taught that that # is the only way we're making progress in the weight loss battle. If you are losing inches you are making progress. Maybe put the scale away for awhile. My weight has been up and down the same 2-3 lbs since I started lifting 9 weeks ago, but all of my inches are down and clothes are fitting better. I took some progress photos and while it's hard for me to see a big difference, I do see little differences here and there. I've heard that especially since I'm new to lifting my body is holding onto water for muscle repair.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you aren't underestimating your consumption, you're overestimating your TDEE. It's as simple as that - most likely the latter if not a combination.

    All the online calculators say my TDEE is between 2100-2400 i go with the lowest. I know my TDEE isnt lower that 2000 because of my height and weight. Even then i still should be losing weight eating 1600 calories and exercising 5 days a week and not eating the calories back.
    I'm 5 ft 4 inches tall and weigh 139 pounds and my TDEE is around 2100 (and I'm 52), so it seems like yours would be even more.

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Been to the doc?

    When i calculated it i put sedentary. Im pretty sure its more than that but i went with the lowest. I have no medical issues. I have actually lost 50 pounds so far but in the last 7 months i only lost 20 pounds. Im trying to figure out if i should eat more but im scared i will gain.

    20lbs in 7 months is still a loss. And as you get closer to your goal, weight loss slows. I think 135-165 is the healthy range for someone your height. Personally, I'd try focusing on inches/sizing or/and body fat % than a scale goal number.
  • scooter825
    scooter825 Posts: 133 Member
    Your calories are way too low...its counterintuitive but you need to eat considerably more if you're working out like that.
  • MyiahRose
    MyiahRose Posts: 183 Member
    Do you have any medical conditions? And can you open your food diary?

    No, and i log on a different site. I use this site for the forums.

    I would recommend switching to this site. It's hard to help without seeing a diary? In the last 30 days, how many entries are not complete? What is your macronutrient breakout... grams or % would suffice. Also, is 1600 total calories or net calories?

    And when was the last time you had some bloodwork. The most common issues are PCOS and thyroid. Something to consider.

    I have been logging every single day for a year on another site. 40% carbs 30% protein 30% fat, 1600 is total calories because i dont eat back my exercise calories due to not knowing how much i burn. i lost 50 pounds so far but only 20 in the past 7 months. I been the doctor in February everything was fine.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    If you aren't underestimating your consumption, you're overestimating your TDEE. It's as simple as that - most likely the latter if not a combination.

    All the online calculators say my TDEE is between 2100-2400 i go with the lowest. I know my TDEE isnt lower that 2000 because of my height and weight. Even then i still should be losing weight eating 1600 calories and exercising 5 days a week and not eating the calories back.
    I'm 5 ft 4 inches tall and weigh 139 pounds and my TDEE is around 2100 (and I'm 52), so it seems like yours would be even more.

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Been to the doc?

    When i calculated it i put sedentary. Im pretty sure its more than that but i went with the lowest. I have no medical issues. I have actually lost 50 pounds so far but in the last 7 months i only lost 20 pounds. Im trying to figure out if i should eat more but im scared i will gain.

    Have you considered going on a week or two long diet break (and still exercise). While it's anecdotal, I personally have seen good success by doing this (both mentally and weight loss) and have seen it with others.