30 Day Shred Challenge!

SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Join me for the next 30 days and shred that Christmas weight! I'll be completing the Shred with Jillian Michaels' tried and tested DVD from January 14th - February 14th, in order to tone up and feel great just in time for the onslaught of Valentine's chocolate to be upon us! I will be taking before and after measurements and photos, and posting daily to track my nutrition and fitness progress. Are you up for the challenge? Let's motivate each other!


  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    Count me in! Should I put before and after weight? I haven't done measurements and usually don't. But, I am all about doing the Shred with you!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member

    It's entirely up to you if you want to list your before/after weights, and want to take measurements or not - I just find that with a program like the Shred, the odds are I will probably see more results in terms of inches lost as opposed to pounds, since it's all about losing fat and gaining muscle, which weighs more :) Ultimately my goal for the next 30 days is to stay motivated and remain dedicated to carving out 20 minutes to sweat daily. Following a healthy eating plan and being conscious of my food intake will be a goal too, so whatever keeps you motivated is the right choice, and welcome aboard!!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    I'll be in. But wait, we are starting tomorrow?

    I'll have to find time to squeeze it in between zumba and my mom's birthday dinner. lol
  • lov3alwaysk
    lov3alwaysk Posts: 20 Member
    Ahhh the good old 30 day shred! I am up for the challenge! I do Jillian's 30 day shred every Wed and Friday. and her yoga meltdown on Mondays and then Zumba Tue and Thur. I think your right about losing inches instead of weight. Not sure what my measurements are yet but my current weight is 165 lbs!

    Cant wait to see how far everyone who joins by Feb 14th!
  • hedgpeth
    hedgpeth Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: i'm in . i'm new, thought i might introduce myself my name is nicole and i plan on losing 2 pant sizes or more and at least 50 lbs.
  • i would like to join!
    sw 156
    cw 152
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Excellent! I'm glad to see so many people are interested in joining - we will definitely be able to motivate one another and keep each other going for the next 30 days. If anyone is interested in the format I'll be following, as well as what I'm planning to eat, you can check out my blog, there are more details there.

    @ agartin - I did the workout yesterday and started, officially on MFP we are starting today - but if you want to modify it a little bit and go the 15th - 15th if that's easy for you, then that's fine. I'll be posting my final results on the 13th :)

    @ KKerr5389 - if you love the meltdown and other Jillian DVDs, you definitely need to check out her newest one (6 week 6 pack) if you haven't already! It's a killer workout in classic Jillian style. Gotta love to hate her!!!

    Welcome to everyone else - get ready to sweat! :)
  • Oh, count me in! This will be my first time doing this from start to finish. Even though this will be mortifying, I am going to put my start and ending weight.

    SW: 188
    CW: 187

    How long do we stay on each level?
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in! I'm going to start the DVD tomorrow.

    SW: 150
    CW: 138

    WOOOO! let's go!!!
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    oh, question.....
    how do i keep track of this thread? is there someway I can save it? bookmark it?
  • Lauz_88
    Lauz_88 Posts: 29
    Count me in too!
    Fanullona, if you go onto your profile you'll be able to see the threads that you have commented on so will be able to find this thread quickly.
    Smashlee, we're pretty much the same height and weight and have the same goal weight! I'm 5ft 8.5/9 and 181 pounds aiming to get to 140 :-)
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    @ unckat09 - if you check out my blog, I've outlined the plan I'll be following with the Shred. But really, it's whatever works for you! I'm gearing to do 10 days on Level 1, 10 on Level 2, and the final 11 on Level 3. Naturally, everyone's different, so as long as you're sweating, you're doing a great job.

    @ fanullona - you raise a really good question! I hadn't thought that far ahead :) ... a few options - I'll be posting on my MFP blog every day with my progress, so everyone can either add comments there and we can keep track that way, or we can post threads in the community. It would probably be easier to update the blog, but it's up to everyone what they want to do. I'm not sure if there is a way to bookmark this thread.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    @ Laura_Essex_88 - Super! That's awesome having someone doing this who has similar goals and essentially the same starting point. I'm really excited to have found a "support" group, so to speak, it's definitely a lot easier to get fit when you have a partner(s) in crime!

    Since we can check back on threads we've commented on (I just figured this out, too), we can just continue to post in this thread as to where our progress is, etc. I plan to weigh myself at the start of each new Level, so my next weigh-in day will be January 23rd. I'm not measuring until the end of the challenge. Let's do this!
  • amethystprincess
    amethystprincess Posts: 14 Member
    I started the 30 day shred earlier this week. I have been loving how it seems that you only think it will be getting easier by day 3 the tops of my legs burn and my shoulders hate pressing so much I want to scream during it.

    My mom, my sister and I do it every day together. My mom has a harder time with it so my sister and I are going at her pace, so we believe it will be a longer process than 30 days but we have been going a little deeper in the lunges every day. So that we are still challenging ourselves until she is ready to move onto level two.

    I hope you all enjoy it and I will follow the whole thing and I will be sharing my updates on my blog as well.
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    I have just started this today too so I would love to join you. I should get before and after photos.
  • Selma_82
    Selma_82 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I hope everyone has managed to do well and fit in their Shred workout for the day. We're done Day #2, which means tomorrow we are officially one tenth of the way there! :)

    I think that I will be putting together a playlist to play over top of Jillian in the next little while - I know by Day #5 or #6 I will be verrrrrrrry bored with her! I took my "before" photos tonight after my workout (gag!), and looking at them cured me of any desire to have dessert, so that's a bonus!

    How did everyone else do? I know it's the weekend, so it's harder to stay on track with eating. Fortunately I'm working all weekend so my meals have been pretty regimented. Keep working hard, and here's to seeing some good results in the next month!
  • Lauz_88
    Lauz_88 Posts: 29
    I'm doing ok too, a bit sore though!!! My leg muscles are soooo painful!! I'm dreading to think what levels 2 and 3 are like. Diet is going well too, i've been keeping within my calories. I'm going to try and not weigh myself until next Saturday as i've got a terrible habit of weight myself every day and feeling disheartened when I don't see anything different on the scale.
  • debxro
    debxro Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in too!
  • Did Day 2 of the Shred today and I love it so far! MUCH better than Day 1 (I pretty much wanted to die the first day!)
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