How to drop alot of weight before a weigh in??

So I've been doing really well on my diet and my dad and I decided to have a bet to see who can loose the most weight by august. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on how I Can loose a fair few pounds in the week or so before the weigh in? I'm currently eating 1250kcal a day and doing 2 hours of cardio every other day and have lost 18lb in 36 days so I'm happy with how I'm doing but want a boost for end just to seal the deal. :) Even if its only temporary water weight and not actual weight loss I will be happy as long as it brings those numbers down. Please help me!


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You will not find much help here. This site is for healthy, long term and sustainable weight loss, not helping people win bets by offering dangerous crash weight loss tips. Sorry.

    Congratulations on your weight loss so far, though. Keep doing what your're doing (through the cardio may be a tad overkill). If you lose the bet, hey, you still lost a bunch of weight, so no real losers, right?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Yup. Congratulations on the weight loss. I assume the point of the bet was to help motivate healthy life changes so just stick with that rather than trying to make it about winning.
  • icypinkkisses
    Thank you both :) yes your right the main reason we started the bet was as motivation, the changes I am making are permanent lifestyle changes and I feel so much better already! He's just annoying me being over cocky so I just want to prove a point at the weigh in too lol. Guess I might be better off asking google but thank you for taking the time to reply.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    If you want to do something that isn't really going to last but will help fool the weigh in, go low carb the last two weeks before your weigh in. Keep carbs around 50g net and you will easily be able to drop 5 lb+ of water weight. Carbs are a mixtures of glycogen and water so when you lower carbs, you lower water weight.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Seems like you're asking for tips for a good weigh-in rather than any crash dieting tips :)

    There's a couple things you can do for a better weigh-in. Make sure you keep your sodium intake low and drink lots of water the day before, to flush out water weight. Don't start any strenuous new exercise regime that week- if your muscles have to repair then your body will hold onto water. Make sure the weigh day isn't during your time of the month! And, obviously, weight yourself naked, first thing in the morning before you've had anything to eat or had a shower or anything. If I want a really good weigh-in for the confidence boost, I tend to have a light dinner the night before and also take a laxative (NOT recommending this as a weight-loss tool, I just tend to get backed up and it adds a lot of weight!) :)

    Good luck!
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    great e-book "The Art & Science of Making Weight" available from
    no, it's not a crash diet & it is certainly not about lasting weight loss. It's about dropping weight (mostly water weight) to be able to get into a lower weight class for competitions. I used some (not all) of the methods when I powerlifted competitively & I have friends who have used them for powerlifting, Oly lifting, & fights. It works, not always the most pleasant of processes, but you can cut a significant amount of weight very rapidly (just understand that if you follow the guidelines, your weight very well may be higher once you reconstitute).
    Disclaimer: YES cutting weight like this can be dangerous if you don't do it intelligently or go too extreme. Duh.
  • icypinkkisses
    Thats brilliant thank you exactly what I'm looking for! I will be sure to go and have a read :) Thats fine I'm not expecting to shed any extra fat like I said its just all about getting those numbers down on the day. I realise the only way to loose weight and keep it off is with good eating and exercise I just loathe the thought of him gloating on the day of the weigh in if he wins so need a good boost! Thanks again!! :)
  • icypinkkisses
    Seem to have missed the 2 replies above jgonzo82 thanks guys those are some great tips! (Although not sure if I'm keen on the thought of laxatives though lol) so minimum exercise, minimum carbs and sodium, lots of water in the day or 2 before the weigh in and then I'm thinking no food or drink after 6pm the night before the weigh in. Fingers crossed with that and any other tips I can get from the ebook it will give me a good few extra pounds 'loss' for the day! Thanks a lot guys I will post back after the weigh in and let you know how it went! Wish me luck!
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Seem to have missed the 2 replies above jgonzo82 thanks guys those are some great tips! (Although not sure if I'm keen on the thought of laxatives though lol) so minimum exercise, minimum carbs and sodium, lots of water in the day or 2 before the weigh in and then I'm thinking no food or drink after 6pm the night before the weigh in. Fingers crossed with that and any other tips I can get from the ebook it will give me a good few extra pounds 'loss' for the day! Thanks a lot guys I will post back after the weigh in and let you know how it went! Wish me luck!

    still drink water after 6pm
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    If your goal is to really keep this off, then you really shouldn't be exercising that long on that low of calories and not doing weight training. That is pretty much a guarantee for muscle loss and slowing down your metabolic rate. In fact, if you are going to exercise for 2 hours a day, make an hour weight training and start low carb now, so you at least have enough protein to try to maintain your lean body mass and muscle mass.
  • tamar1_gordon
    Try doing Atkins diet! You can lose 15 pounds in two weeks in phase one ( depends on your body ) you won't even feel hungry and it helps you lose fat not only water!!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Agree drink lots of water and reduce sodium intake to lessen the water retention. If needed maybe a 3 day juicing cleanse of green veggies and some fruits.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    If your goal is to really keep this off, then you really shouldn't be exercising that long on that low of calories and not doing weight training. That is pretty much a guarantee for muscle loss and slowing down your metabolic rate. In fact, if you are going to exercise for 2 hours a day, make an hour weight training and start low carb now, so you at least have enough protein to try to maintain your lean body mass and muscle mass.

    Yeah This ^^^

    I'd be more concerned with losing too fast to be honest, at 3.6lbs a week you are going to be losing a fair bit of muscle mass along with the fat. You should be aiming for 1lb a week.

    I'm sure that's not what you want to hear during the competition - but you should be thinking long term and healthy.

    Maybe have a read through this instead

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Try doing Atkins diet! You can lose 15 pounds in two weeks in phase one ( depends on your body ) you won't even feel hungry and it helps you lose fat not only water!!

    But a large amount of the 15lbs will be water due to the cutting of carbs.

    15lbs in two weeks is not healthy for someone with so little to lose.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Try doing Atkins diet! You can lose 15 pounds in two weeks in phase one ( depends on your body ) you won't even feel hungry and it helps you lose fat not only water!!

    But a large amount of the 15lbs will be water due to the cutting of carbs.

    15lbs in two weeks is not healthy for someone with so little to lose.

    And i already suggested cutting carbs to cheat the system, :laugh: