Snacks at Night

jeloyer Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a real problem with eating snacks at night. I do really good during the day to eat healthy but in the evening all I want to do is snack. I feel like I'm hungry all the time and I'm getting really frustrated because I haven't lost any weight yet. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Yes I do great during the day but just don't feel satisfied in the evening. I want some junk sooooo bad right now!!!
  • Oh Yes!
  • I saw a tip somewhere on here that has been working WONDERS for my late-night sweet munchies. One bag of single-serving, low cal popcorn + one serving of chocolate or butterscotch morsels tossed into the bag as soon as it comes out of the microwave = approx 200 calories of YUM, and very, very satisfying. Messy, but YUM.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Instead of trying to beat it, try to embrace it but just do it better. Know during the day that you are going to eat at night, so make sure you are allocating calories so that you have enough left to get in a meal at night. Then instead of filling yourself with crappy snacks, make yourself a late meal that keeps you within your calorie limit.

    A lot of people feel like you can't eat meals late, but doing so is a much better alternative to junk snacking.
  • Is there anything you guys do to help those cravings?!?! I try to come up with healthy snacks, but I just end up eating junk food on top of the healthy snacks, so I think they cancel eachother out haha!
  • I have the same problem- I try to eat healthy stuff (fruit, yogurt, etc) just so I am not hungry anymore. That sometimes gets rid of the urge to eat junk. Or at least, if I eat junk afterwards I eat less of it because I am full.
  • ohh that does sound good!! Definately will have to try :)
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Oatmeal with Splenda and cinnamon. Or I have a chocolate problem so I just had a Quaker rice cake (choc) with peanut butter and hot chocolate. 225 calories or the oatmeal is 150 calories Also the rice cake with lite cool whip topped with fruit
  • I rarely have a sugar craving at night, but when I do, I try to have cup of tea (w/ sugar) instead. Or, if I need something sweet that I can actually chew, and tea won't satisfy the craving, I try to limit myself to just one or 2 small cookies, or am ounce of dove dark chocolate. Something small to take the edge off... then maybe read, or watch a show/movie instead--something to take your mind off food.

    Not sure if these help, but wanted to toss in my two cents in the hopes that it helps. Good luck!
  • These are definately good ideas, I'll have to try these out and see if they help, thanks guys!!!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    I too am a night eater! But it's not because I'm truly hungry -- it's emotion-based eating.

    One of the best training tips I learned in Trainer's training was to differentiate between emotional hunger and real hunger.

    How to know the difference? If you have a specific craving and feel like "I really want X" and something different (aka healthier) won't cut it, then your eating based on emotion.

    If you are physically hungry, and anything will do, you're physically hungry. You know that feeling of "I don't care where we eat, I'm starving!"? That's real hunger and it's good to satisfy it.

    It helps me, and most of my clients, to do this self-assessment before snacking ...

    But if you know you're an evening snacker (of either variety), just allocate a certain number of calories for your evening snack and have a few options already sketched out in your head -- and when you want a snack, restrict yourself to one of the choices you determined (when you weren't hungry) would be a good choice.

    Tip: We've now learned that timing of when you eat isn't important like we used to think it was. So if you're more easily able to stick to your routine, with a late night snack (keep it healthy, you no longer have to feel guilty! :)
  • I'm bad at snacking as well! I find if I eat a solid 3 meals, with a good amount of calories per meal, I feel healthier and am less likely to eat snacks at night.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    The popcorn ideal sounds yummy. Have you tried those delight yogurts, they come in caramel, my fave. chocolate w/rasberry and lemon chiffon flavors. only 100 calories per container. I also like upside down pineapple cake lowfat yogurt by yoplait for a sweet treat. Aslo, if you can handle it, you can by hersheys dark chocolate candy bars and eat only half or alot the whole bar in your total calories for the day, it does a great job of helping with that sweet tooth. Last night I went to bed so hungry but I fought the urge to eat, it's so hard at night for me to. I can do so good all day then come night fall and I'm in trouble and want to eat.So I hear ya. Hope ths helps.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I also wanted to add that the smoothies by yoplait are very satisfying as well. They have 140 calories for the whole bag to make a big glass, if you use almond milk to make it, even better. Good luck!
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