Anyone using NIKE FUEL BAND & being successful with results?

Using the Nike Fuel band as the rep from Nike told me it's more of a motivating bracelet to get your behind in gear..... although I'am not sure about that... Anyone have success using this band?


  • pauliskander
    pauliskander Posts: 5 Member
    It really depends on your personality, for me It hasnt been a huge factor for me, but I still LOVE IT.

    I think if it integrates with My Fitness Pal it will be even better, however even as a watch alone I think it's still worth it. The price seems to be dropping as it will no longer be produced so you might be able to grab an SE for about $99 now.

    If you have competition it tends to be a great motivator I find, if you want you can add me my nikefuel screen name is PaulIskander
  • NEdblT
    NEdblT Posts: 11 Member
    I did a lot of research a year ago May 2013 before making up my mind.

    I've used the Fitbit One app/website to sync with MFP app/website and have lost 30lbs with 35 to go. They work together beautifully.
    They all get you off your butt but some can do so much more.

    Bing or Google Nike Fuel vs. Fitbit One/Flex. They were $150 a year ago and didn't do as much as the Fitbit One, imho.
    To each his own!
  • kzrvsr
    kzrvsr Posts: 2 Member
    I love mine...I do use it as a motivational tool to get myself moving. I sit at work all day, so when I see the "Go Kim" message on it (you can disable that if you don't like it!), I get my butt up and get moving. It's really helped me. Also, if you set a daily goal and you haven't achieved it by the evening, you know you have to get moving.

    With that said, Nike FINALLY got on the bandwagon and has an app for Android users. Which means, myfitnesspal should follow suit and start linking to it as well...then, it would be AWESOME!!!