Newly Gastric Sleeved



  • I was sleeve May 13th. I am 5 weeks out. I will weigh in this coming Friday to see how much I have lost
  • bkw2010
    bkw2010 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm scheduled for 7/1. So excited! This 2 week pre-op liquid diet is for the birds though! LOL!! Guess that will help get me used to "eating like a bird" for after. :)
  • Kitteh777
    Kitteh777 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm only about 7 weeks out from surgery, but I find that I need to make sure I hit my 60 to 80 grams of protein per day and change up my exercise routine. Because I can really only walk right now, I have been playing with the speed and incline of the treadmill to keep things varied.

    The elliptical machine is a bit too difficult for and the stationery bike does not burn the same amount of energy, so for me, the treadmill has been the best option.

    My weight loss has slowed but as long as there is progress, I am happy!!
  • Kitteh777
    Kitteh777 Posts: 3 Member
    I have some great suggestions for the liquid diet! =) hit me up as a friend if you are interested!!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    How long before ya'll returned to work?
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    I had my Sleeve procedure May 12, 2014.
    I took three weeks off from work, it seemed just about right for me.
    I don't have a real physical job but I needed time to heal and get used to the new eating routines.

    Add me if you like, I can possibly help with other questions.
    I honestly feel if you are working with a Bariatric Clinic, that is where you should be getting the answers
    to your questions...not here on MFP. They know your health status and can give you the best answers.

  • staceinface
    staceinface Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone

    I was sleeved on 30 May 2014 and so far have lost 54lb including the pre-op diet. For me the key to success so far has been a combination of protein, water, rest, exercise! I have been set a target of 60-80g protein a day by my dietician and 1200 calories accompanied by 300 minutes moderate exercise per week and 1.5-2L fluid per day. At first I was anxious about upping my calories but I have found that if I have my 80g protein a day and do the exercise the weight shifts and each week I am dropping which is great! Sometimes I feel like it's moving too slow but then I think about it and there is no way I would have ever lost this much weight in such a short amount of time on a regular diet because I simply didn't have the willpower or an off switch in my stomach/head! I am averaging 900-1000 calories per day at the moment because I don't want to get used to 1200 and then have to diet to trigger a loss if I was to stall. It's taking a while to get used to my new lifestyle and I am pretty exhausted with the changes and being back at work but I don't regret a thing and wish I had done it years ago! :bigsmile:
  • Staceinface, Congratulations on your procedure. I could you some good words of advice. I'm having this same procedure on Monday July 14th.
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 118 Member
    I had the Lapband done in April 2011, and I lost about 80 pounds...I had a baby in Dec 2013 and gained about 20 pounds back...and I've having trouble losing that 20 pounds again. The Lapband doesn't cause any nutritional deficits from the food you eat, but you can just eat less. If you eat more than you're supposed to, you might throw up, or if you do it repeatedly, your stomach can be stretched. I would really love some support of others!!!! I need to get down these 20 pounds again and I'd love to finally be in ONEderland. I don't remember a time that I was less than 200 pounds. I was 215 before I got pregnant.
  • I'm a sleeve patient. I just had it done three days ago. I don't know much about the lap band but my aunt (sleever) did one week pre-op diet again since she wAs struggling about 8 lbs away from her goal. I've heard doing the pre-op liquid when you hit a stall can kind of get you jump started again. Just thought I'd share.
  • LaniquaMatthews
    LaniquaMatthews Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! The journey has actually been great for me!! I think I was frantic at the start of my journey because I didn't know what to expect, but I needed to gow through that so that I could reshift my focus from losing weight to making a healthy lifestyle change. My thought process and approach to weightloss is completely different now. I don't look at food in the same way that I once did and excercising no longer feels like the devil to me. lol! I am very proud of my success because I feel like I have succeeded in using the surgery as a tool instead of using it as a crutch knowing full well that the weight will return if I do.
  • LaniquaMatthews
    LaniquaMatthews Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost a total of 50lbs (10 pre-surgery and 40 after). I have finally gotten off of the 200lb bench!! Good luck on your journey!
  • I (male, 46) had the gastric sleeve on 6/4/14 (7 weeks ago). Started at 291 pounds the day before surgery and according to the bathroom scale I weighed 261 this morning. I plateaued for a bit around week 4 but now seem to be losing 2-3 pounds per week as my body adjusted. I felt a lot better once I was allowed to hit the gym again and now go 3-4x a week.

    It is interesting feeling like I pigged out from just having a few ounces of chicken. I had my first BBQ this weekend and it was awesome feeling content with taking the roll off the sandwich and simply eating the contents and have it satisfy me for the entire party (ok, i had a few potato chips too but nothing like I would have in the past).

    The hardest adjustment for me was when I was allowed to eat normal food again. I had a hard time gauging if I was eating the right amounts, especially as I discovered I could eat over 4 oz of some food and still have room for more. I also worry about snacking, which is when I started using this tool again to at least track calories. Fortunately I see the nutritionist this week to see if my diet is off.
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    I am currently waiting on the insurance approval and all that stuff for the sleeve. I'm guessing it will take place around the end of August or the first couple of weeks in September. I'm glad I searched for this on here. It was a hard decision to make but after yo-yo-ing for so long I had to make a decision. MFP has helped me a lot, but I to am sort of afraid and excited. It seems everyone on here has had the experiences the doctors have told me about so that's a plus I guess. Anyways, we will see.
  • Hey Moliver, I was sleeved on July 10th. I've just started the pureed stage of back to eating.
    Any advice on how to deal with introducing meat back into my diet. Seems like anything i try it comes right back up?

    If anyone wants to ask questions about the surgery or how I felt afterwards, I won't hold any punches and will tell you straight up.

  • Jessr0se
    Jessr0se Posts: 12
    I also had surgery on the 10th. I haven't had any issues with meat, but I've only tried canned chicken and tuna so far. I pureed tuna, mayo, salt, pepper onion and and a little cheddar together and it was delicious. I've also warmed some canned chicken in a pan but not until it fried, and mixed it with refried beans, salsa, greek yogurt and a little cheese. Everything has sat really well so far. Im nervous to try ground beef but I think in a Sloppy joe sauce or speghetti sauce and pureed it would be ok maybe.
  • ellenoneal1027
    ellenoneal1027 Posts: 18 Member
    I was sleeved on 7/21/14 so I am not yet on "real" food, but even being on pureed food, I am worried about gauging how much I am eating. Because unlike some lucky folks who have this, I still feel the "urge" to eat the yummy things I see around me. I am worried that when they "turn me loose" so to speak on my own recognizance, that I won't be able to resist. I just hope the unpleasantness of the full feeling will be enough to make me not eat too much. And like you, I am using this app to try to keep track of what I eat. I am down 19 lbs since my highest weight, so that is good.
  • JohnnyMART
    JohnnyMART Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm so happy I found this thread. I'm pre-op right now. My insurance requires 6 months of dietary counseling before the surgery. I too am doing the gastric sleeve. My tentative date is Dec 2014.
    I'm struggling with telling friends and family. How do you tell them so that they understand and support you? So far, my efforts have left me in tears. Everyone seems to think I can do this without surgery. They are not the ones who are 100 lbs overweight though. Any advice is appreciated.
    Currently, my surgeon has me on a 1200 calorie diet. I will start the 2 week liquid diet closer to my surgery date. Feel free to add me as a friend! :-)
  • shale000
    shale000 Posts: 4 Member
    healthymom102, I had the same urge for the foods I used to like. When I was allowed back on a full diet (I was sleeved on May 26, 2014) I found I started going to restaurants with my co-workers and having what I was craving. I found though that food sat longer in my stomach and I felt "unwell" for quite a while when I had something with a lot of carbs, fat, or worse both and fried :) . I plateaued for a week or so and got worried. I started planning my next day of eating the night before, and packing a bunch of small snacks in a lunch bag. In particular I packed small individual wrapped light cheese for a good protein boost. I quickly got back on track, and started ordering a plain meat dish with veggies at the restaurants (I love eating out). I've found a new love for green salads over the last few weeks, mostly I think because I feel good after eating them. Luckily this has been working for me, and I started losing again.

    Don't be discouraged if you hit any bumps when you're back to a regular diet. If you're like me, a quick step back and some planning might make a world of difference. I'm down 83 from my initial appointment with the surgery team (after doing a week of liquid diet to get ready), and down 98 from my top weight sometime last year.

    I hope this helps.
  • sjphrh
    sjphrh Posts: 1 Member
    I was just sleeved on 8/12 and today is the first day I can actually keep water down. I have lost 25 pounds before surgery and am hoping to lose about 150 more.

    When does the recovery process become easy? it hurts for me to event stand or walk for more than a couple of minutes. I am ready to get back to my life which involves chasing a three year old around.