Any Crazy Cat Ladies ?



  • RosanaRosanaDana
    RosanaRosanaDana Posts: 93 Member
    Hi OysterCat,
    I have 2 beautiful cats. The older one is a cat I found starving in the neighborhood. I know where she came from, The person breeds her cats, sells them and any that on't sell hit the streets, no shots, not fixed, left on their own to survive. Well I adopted one of those starving cat, beautiful white cat with green eyes and PREGNANT! It wasn't a hard sell to convince my hubby to build a kitty house on the back porch for her to have her babies in though I didn't know if she would choose too. Once she realized that I was her food source she moved right in. Had 5 kittens, 3 black with green eyes and 2 white with blue eyes. I next convinced hubby to let them live in our basement because it was the end of October when they were born and we had freezing temps and horrible rain. He agreed, the basement because we didn't know if she would use a cat box. Well she did, and taught her babies to do so as well. We never had a mistake. I knew the white kittens would be the first to go so I set out to find homes only for the black kittens. A friend took 2 black kittens and a neighbor took a black kitten and a white one as well. We were thrilled that they got to stay with a sibling. I kept momma kitty and allowed her to keep the runt of the litter, a cry baby, white with blue eyes. Got Momma fixed, she had an internal hole in her stomach, Vet said he was suprised she lived through the pregnancy. I've had them now for 2 years. Baby is as independent as can be and momma has become a lap cat. I love them both so much. It's a juggling act here though because I also have an African Grey Parrot who requires attention and a Boxer who momma kitty wont tolerate and has taught her baby to be leery as well.
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    Just rescued a three week old kitten and still have to bottle feed him and rub his little hiney for him to go to the bathroom :huh:

    But he is adorable :love:

    To teach him to go to the bathroom on his own, have you tried taking a warm wet towel and rubbing that area? Momma cats teach the babies to go by licking it, which stimulates them to go.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    Do witches count?

    I assume if you have a black cat.

    And her name's Midnight...

  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Just rescued a three week old kitten and still have to bottle feed him and rub his little hiney for him to go to the bathroom :huh:

    But he is adorable :love:

    To teach him to go to the bathroom on his own, have you tried taking a warm wet towel and rubbing that area? Momma cats teach the babies to go by licking it, which stimulates them to go.

    We are currently using a warm washcloth and he did go by himself once yesterday :smile:
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    This is my massive Kitty Kakes!


    cuuuute! i'm curious, how massive? He looks big-boned like my Marvy (the black & white kitty in my profile pics). Marv is bigger than many of the dogs in the neighborhood (except the two collies across the street) and when he stretches out on the bed next to me i feel cramped for space :laugh:
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    This is my massive Kitty Kakes!


    cuuuute! i'm curious, how massive? He looks big-boned like my Marvy (the black & white kitty in my profile pics). Marv is bigger than many of the dogs in the neighborhood (except the two collies across the street) and when he stretches out on the bed next to me i feel cramped for space :laugh:

    Lou was around 30 pounds when I adopted him, but when his cancer got really bad he dropped down to about 18 before he passed away which is still pretty hefty for a kitty!
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    I've got 8 cats :D all rescues.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    This is my massive Kitty Kakes!


    cuuuute! i'm curious, how massive? He looks big-boned like my Marvy (the black & white kitty in my profile pics). Marv is bigger than many of the dogs in the neighborhood (except the two collies across the street) and when he stretches out on the bed next to me i feel cramped for space :laugh:

    Lou was around 30 pounds when I adopted him, but when his cancer got really bad he dropped down to about 18 before he passed away which is still pretty hefty for a kitty!

    aw. poor Lou i'm so sorry for your loss. :(

    Marv was up to 27.5lbs last year. i changed his diet and he dropped a few lbs but is still 24.5 lbs.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I am the craziest of them all. =^..^=
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    Crazy Cat Lady here too!!! :) HERRO!
  • I have 10 cats where I live with my parents! 2 orientals, a persian, a naughty tortie, 2 black and white boys and my furbaby a big black scaredy cat called Hex :)

    Getting a tattoo of Jiji the cat from Kiki's Delivery Service on my birthday to go with my two other non cat related tats (my birthday is in 9 days, woohoo!)

    So nice to see loads of crazy cat people with their fur babies! xo
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I used to be a dog person until my dad's rescue kitten adopted me. After 15 years, he passed, and my husband and I decided to adopt a couple of kitties from a rescue shelter. Blair & Breanne are spoiled little princesses, but I wouldn't have them any other way! :heart:

  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    I adopted my 9 year old fluffy monster Simba last year and my boyfriend has a tiny tuxedo girl named Petunia. We are well on our way!
  • ianthamfyolek
    ianthamfyolek Posts: 21 Member
    Crazy Cat Ladies FTW! I have 3 Fur-Babies that run my household and I wouldn't have it any other way. Weston (my grumpy old man), Athena (who follows me around and talks to me when I am in the shower) and Hallowe'en (the Mischevious Food-driven Stinker).
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    One more of my furballs :)

  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Crazy Cat Ladies FTW! I have 3 Fur-Babies that run my household and I wouldn't have it any other way. Weston (my grumpy old man), Athena (who follows me around and talks to me when I am in the shower) and Hallowe'en (the Mischevious Food-driven Stinker).

    Marv talks to me when i'm in the shower, too! he gets excited because he knows that after i get out i will give him a "kitty bath" (i dampen a few paper towels with warm water & wipe him down. he loooves it. if i tried that with any of the other cats they would run)
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Crazy Cat Ladies FTW! I have 3 Fur-Babies that run my household and I wouldn't have it any other way. Weston (my grumpy old man), Athena (who follows me around and talks to me when I am in the shower) and Hallowe'en (the Mischevious Food-driven Stinker).

    Love this! Two of your kitties sound similar to my two kitties. Breanne yells at me if I do something she doesn't like (which includes getting up if she's cozy laying up against dare I get up!), and Blair likes to muscle her way to her sister's food dish during snack time, so Breanne has to eat fast! Also, Blair will let my husband and me pet her, then she'll walk a little ways, then stop & turn around so we can pet her again, and repeat. She's done this a few times and took us right out to the kitchen... we're wise to her little trick now. :wink:
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    Crazy cat lady here also :))) Don't know how to put on pics, so here's my cat on my profile pic
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

    This is El Tigre, I found him at my job... we thing his mama abandoned him. The first photo is the day we found him, he just wanted to snuggle in my sweat shirt. The last photo is him a few weeks ago. (We guesstimated him birthday around 10-15-11.)


  • commit1440
    commit1440 Posts: 456 Member
    Just discovered this thread. Two cats here -- wish I had more, but I rent. Both are rescues, and like many of you I like to hang out at Pet Smart checking out the kitties up for adoption.