Slim Fast/Tesco Ultra Lite anybody...??

Hi there, I'm new to the site. Is anybody following either Slim Fast or Tesco's Ultra Lite diet?? I would appreciate any hints and tips that you may have, and how your well your weight loss is going?


  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    No. You'll find most people on here are not following any fad diets.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    I drink slim fast, but not as a diet. Sometimes I don't have time or am on the road and just need a "grab and go" so a slim fast and a fiber or protein bar gets me where I need to be. Mostly, I just eat actual healthy food.
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Firstly, Welcome :happy:

    I'm the same as the above poster, I don't follow the slim fast plan in its entirety but I do have them in my fridge for an on the go meal replacement, or occasionally after exercising if I can't be bothered to cook, lol. I've tried the tesco ones, and the vanilla fudge is yummy. However I agree with what others said (although I would have put it a little more delicately), I really wouldn't recommend using them as a full diet- theyre just not healthy in the long run, and its really hard to keep the weight off when you go back to normal eating. Take it from someone who has tried many many diets, your best bet is calorie counting with MFP.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I do a weird combination of Slim fast, 5:2 and calorie counting!

    I work on a weekly/monthly basis, adding up my calories and making sure I have an average of around 1600kcal a day.

    I do 2 or 3 days 5:2 a week depending on what the rest of the week looks like.

    I have days like yesterday where I ate mostly pizza and icecream all day at legoland, then today I stuck to 520 calories.

    It means I have the freedom to have fun with food when necessary but I control food when I can.

    I do use slim fast, I usually have 2 scoops of powdered choccy slim fast first thing, with about 350ml of almond milk and a scoop of psylum husk powder. This fills me up loads

    Then I have my morning coffee about half way through the morning, either something for lunch or another shake, depending on how I am feeling/what I am doing.

    This leaves me free to have a 600-700kcal meal in the evening and a huge bowl of yogurt, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries in the late evening.

    Often I have a couple of Go Natural snack bars through the day, at 150kcal each and every night I have a belgian hot chocolate options before bed.

    Slim fast certainly helps me maintain my calories and is quick and easy for me. I don't follow the 1200kcal system though because I would always be hungry and I would end up binging. Also even when I get down to the right size I will not need to eat 1200cal so I don't see why I should get used to it. One of the reasons I love 5:2 is that I can eat most days at maintainence, actually teaching my body what that is so it won't be hard when I stop dieting.

    I don't know how much weight I have lost overall because I only weigh myself every month, I do go to a diet clinic every Tuesday though, which depressingly weighed me a lot more than my scales at home did (I haven't had the heart to calibrate them yet) and I'd lost 800g in 4 days last time I went.

    So we will see for the moment it is working and I am happy but I think eventually I will start creating morning smoothies of PB, banana, almond milk, macca powder, psylium husk and spirulina before having something fabulous for lunch.

    Slim fast has definitely been a huge help in getting me to a place where I am comfortable eating less though.
  • fatboyliz
    fatboyliz Posts: 515 Member
    Have you tried the weetabix shakes? I have them for breakfast sometimes. Slim fast also tastes good, never tries tescos. I only ever use shakes and things for breakfast, so can't comment on the use of shakes in a full on diet!
  • I'll drink a slimfast when I want something filling and sweet :-) the chocolate mint flavor tastes like a thin mint and is soooo good over ice, plus the protein keeps me full for a while.
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    Unless they have changed lately.....last time I looked at the nutritional data I noticed that the protein amount was miniscule, yet the sugar was much higher. Not what I wanted at all. I use a protein shake that is 25 to 30 grams of protein and very little sugar.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I find it's easier and less expensive to make my own satisfying, nutritious shakes.
    I use a variety of fruits, veggies, milks, juices n grains; always adding protein powder.
    Have not been on a diet for about 15 years.
    The tools I use on MFP that count calories, macros and exercise have helped me configure and maintain my healthy self.

    Best of Luck! :flowerforyou: