Lose weight faster

Hi i currently weigh 270 5.6ft age 18. i have lost 15 pounds in about a month. I run/jog in the sun an hour 6 days a week. I have the whole exercise thing down i just need help on how i should diet. I have been eating less than 1800 calories a day but what i eat consist of mcdonalds and other bad food for you. Ive still been seeing results but would i get result faster if i ate healthy?


  • Bostonsoul
    Bostonsoul Posts: 151 Member
    What is preventing you from eating healthier, more nutrient dense calories?
    Yes your results would probably drastically change because you are probably starving on a cellular level depriving your body of nutrients. Further it would help your blood lipid profile, and contribute to your over all health and well being, not to mention the added energy.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Click here, follow what it says and you will be a success. Simple..no...but you are worth it.

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Will you lose weight faster? Probably not. Will you see benefits in your overall health, body composition, energy level, and fitness if you hit your macro and micronutrients? Yes.

    Nothing wrong with what you consider "bad" foods in moderation, just don't eat them at the expense of nutrients you need for health. Read the sexypants link, and the links within it. Tons of great information.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Will you lose weight faster? Probably not. Will you see benefits in your overall health, body composition, energy level, and fitness if you hit your macro and micronutrients? Yes.

    Nothing wrong with what you consider "bad" foods in moderation, just don't eat them at the expense of nutrients you need for health. Read the sexypants link, and the links within it. Tons of great information.

    Pretty much this.
  • RealtyGoddess
    RealtyGoddess Posts: 15 Member
    There are a lot of free resources to help you find recipes that will help you.

    Start here: http://www.skinnykitchen.com/

    If you do a few recipes and have one cook day, you can have meals already prepared and it will help you stay on track.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Weight loss depends entirely on calories in/calories out. You will not lose weight faster or slower by eating more "healthy" foods, if you're eating the same number of calories. Period.

    That being said, the foods that are called "healthy" do tend to be lower in calories, higher in fiber, and keep you full longer, and they contain more needed micronutrients. They also tend to not trigger binging.

    On the other hand, vilifying types of food and labeling foods "good" and "bad" sets you up for disordered thinking and a very unhealthy relationship with food.

    Your best bet is to include more "healthy" foods in your diet, but don't deprive yourself of the things you love as long as you stay within your calorie goal and hit your macros.