Eating terrible and feeling terrible.

I've had an awful week... eating wise and emotionally. And I feel awful. But you know what makes me feel worse than going over my calorie limit? Beating myself up about going over my calorie limit.

I've been having a pretty bad week, and what's been making it worse is feeling guilty about my food choices. And trying to get through the days has been so emotionally taxing, that attempting to also give a crap about my calorie intake has been making it worse.

I'm thinking that for the weekend, I'm just going to eat at my maintenance cals. Restricting my calories has just been making me feel worse, and I think that whilst I do need to improve my body, right now, my mind and emotional health is crying out for help, and I need to start listening.

Has anyone else done this? Given weight loss a temporary break to focus on a different part of your health? Did it help?


  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I've had an awful week... eating wise and emotionally. And I feel awful. But you know what makes me feel worse than going over my calorie limit? Beating myself up about going over my calorie limit.

    I've been having a pretty bad week, and what's been making it worse is feeling guilty about my food choices. And trying to get through the days has been so emotionally taxing, that attempting to also give a crap about my calorie intake has been making it worse.

    I'm thinking that for the weekend, I'm just going to eat at my maintenance cals. Restricting my calories has just been making me feel worse, and I think that whilst I do need to improve my body, right now, my mind and emotional health is crying out for help, and I need to start listening.

    Has anyone else done this? Given weight loss a temporary break to focus on a different part of your health? Did it help?

    Yes, last week over the July 4th holiday.

    I realized that my perfectionism was restricting my ability to enjoy the holiday.

    As someone told me, what you have referenced is part of the lifestyle change.

    You have to remember that reprogramming our brains takes a while.

    Take pride in what you have accomplished, for you deserve to.

    Step back and take a deep breath, and ramp back up when youre ready.

    Just try to keep the emotion out of it when you can. Food doesn't have feelings.

    You sound like a bright person who is listening to what her mind and body are telling her. Go with your gut.

  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Hi catcow888!

    I'm sorry you had a hard week. I've been there before too. You have been so motivating with your posts, logging in for 45 days and exercising really hard. Just remember this is a lifestyle not a diet. You are making changes that will be with you for the rest of your life. I hope you feel great about all of the motivation you've been giving others and not be so hard on yourself! You're GREAT!!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Log it accurately & honestly. Then forgive yourself & let it go.

    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. So change your goal to maintenance—but keep logging!

    The Sexypants post should be required reading for all MFPers:
  • trex107
    trex107 Posts: 5
    Just remember everyday is a new day, if you have a bad day just hit the rewind button and start again You can do this