So...anyone freakishly tall? I'm 6'8"

Now...6'8" is tall...I wouldn't really classify it as freakishly tall though.

Anyways, I forget when the last time i was able to stand on a scale that was able to weigh me - it was around the 370 - 380lb mark. Right now I don't know what I actually weigh. For one reason, it's out of fear that I've made my way to the 400lb. mark. I need to find one soon though so I can start truly working towards my goals of losing this fat n flab.

I'm not sure what a healthy weight for my height is, been a while since i've been to a doctor....have they updated their growth and bmi charts from the 70s yet?

Feel free to add me, I'm new here and with eating healthy and *gasp* exercising.


  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Hi there , have you read sexy pants yet. If not, here it is.

    It will help get you started. Make friends and be active.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    my husband's 6' 7", and he feels freakishly tall. me, i just think he's very tall, but not freakish.

    i know what you mean about being afraid to weigh yourself - i didn't for some time. btw, the hubby weighs in at 220ish, although not sure if he's a normal weight for his height.

    how's the eating healthy and exercising going for you? i started out with 15 minute walks because that was all i could do. now i'm doing resistance training and alternating with 40 minute walks, and it seems to be working out pretty well.

    btw, i also suggest you spend some time reading the sexypants thread.
  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    im 6ft 4 not quite as tall as you but my ultimate goal is 200 , I am 240 right now . Don't be scared to get on the scale , it is what it is and seeing a high number always motivates me !
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I didn't step on the scale for almost a full year after I started MFP. I still only weigh myself once or twice a month,
    Good luck to you.
    Shoot me a friend request if you want to.
    I'm 5'10, tall but not freakishly so.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not sure what a healthy weight for my height is, been a while since i've been to a doctor....have they updated their growth and bmi charts from the 70s yet?

    Well, according to this:

    "Normal" weight for someone who is 6'8" would be from about 168 to 228. From 229 to 272 would be "overweight", so 273 and above would be "obese".

    But I feel like the BMI formula starts to run off the track once you get to outlier heights like 6'8". I mean seriously, if I saw some dude your height who was 168 pounds, that would be "abnormally" skinny in my book.

    Anyway, good luck and congrats for jumping in! :drinker:

    (I'm a paltry 6'3".)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I probably come up to your hip...that said, no idea what the weight for your height should be but honestly, measurements and the way your clothes fit are better indicators at fat loss than a number on the scale...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I'm just in for the tall men! I'm 5'9" and can't wear heels on dates. :sad:
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Only 6' 2" here :)

    At that end of the size and weight chart, you're bound to find a lot of weird stuff on the size/weight charts. Basically, all are outliers!

    Why not go by body fat % ? At any rate, when you say " I'm 265 lb" you could look like Lebron James. Or like John Goodman!
  • ChrisHoffman72
    ChrisHoffman72 Posts: 708 Member
    I'm 6'6" and my wife is 5'2"...we make it work. I've lost about 40 pounds over the past three years, but hope to put some back on in muscle. One good thing....we carry the weight better.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    Tall men are great!! I'm 5'6, hubby 5'9 and I think he's shrinking. LOL
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    Yep! I'm 6'1"... which is freakishly tall for a girl, in my opinion. I have literally gotten stares from little old ladies in grocery stores, and conversations with new people start with "you're tall!" on a regular basis... I don't recommend being a 6'1" female, it's no fun. Haha
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Yep! I'm 6'1"... which is freakishly tall for a girl, in my opinion. I have literally gotten stares from little old ladies in grocery stores, and conversations with new people start with "you're tall!" on a regular basis... I don't recommend being a 6'1" female, it's no fun. Haha

    Nothing wrong with being a tall girl. Some guys prefer tall women. I wish i was taller, i had a great uncle who was 6'5 which is odd for a welshman lol. I'm 6'1. I'm betting i'd have been a lot taller if i hadn't been fat during my growing years. i'm actually taller if i'm not slouching.
  • Sie_Con
    Sie_Con Posts: 101 Member
    I would say aim for 260 then speak to a doctor about fine-tuning or if you're healthy at that weight. Or just speak to a doctor to begin with! 6'8" is very very tall! I'm 5'11", so very tall for a woman. Many conversations of "you're so tall!". Yes, I know I am....
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    I don't think anyone is freakishly tall. 6'8 is taller, but hey, no big deal and 6'1 for a women is still not a big deal.

    Welcome to MFP. Differently read over the guide to sexy pants and good luck. You can do it, it is never to late. :drinker:
  • Pete1964AK
    Pete1964AK Posts: 85 Member
    At a mere 6' 2", I wouldn't say 6' 8 is freakishly tall. But it's nice to have lined up beside you on the O line.

    The target range is so wide that it is hard to visualise yourself, especially at the lower end. For me, apparently I am supposed to be between 156 and 195. I haven't been below 220 since I was about 14.
    I guess I'm doing as someone else has suggested earlier, I'm looking to get down by 55 to 210 and then see how that looks and feels.
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    In for the tall!

    Also, there's a thread and a group for you tall ones:

    edit to add disclaimer: I am not tall. :(
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    please do some research on normal ranges for your height with reputable resources. also, there is a HUGE variable depending on your frame, and how much muscle you have...HUGE. You should not be anywhere near 168. That range seems like it is the weight range for a woman of that height (ya, I know.... how many of those are there?) my bf is 6'7'', and perfect at that size. He looks freakishly thin below about 225, and would look like a POW much lower. He is a little heavy now at 265, and great at 240. He looks fairly "lean" in not overly muscular or bulky, but proportioned. I'm 5'11 1/2", and start looking pretty slender below 160, though my goal weight is around 145 and I have a small frame. That is slender - size 7 or 8. Good luck to you, and please don't aim for anything as low as that poster stated, though I know he did get it from that site...jeez!
  • tgarvey3
    tgarvey3 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also 6'8". I weighed in at 368 lbs and then started MFP. I am down to 343 and working hard.

    I have a large frame, and as such have set my goal to 260 lbs. When I reach that goal, I will re-evaluate everything and let my body tell me if it wants to go any lower.
  • a941guy
    a941guy Posts: 31
    Thanks for all of the great replies and new found friendships! It's great to see so many other taller people here and fans of taller people!

    I'm going to take a look into the charts and see where I'm "supposed" to be at however I think tgarvey said it, that a lot will depend on what my body tells me and to re-evaluate goals at every step.

    @avril - I agree with you. Even if that weight (168) is accurate by some higher power beyond any of us...I personally wouldn't want to be that low. I'd be ecstatic if I got down to 260 (a healthy 260 with some nice muscle definition and what not). Damn, I can't wait!
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    i'm 6'5". Was 320. Got down to 160. Bulked up to 220. I'm back down to about 190 right now. You can do it if I can!