Need some insight

Hi, this is my first post ever. I am writing because I am feeling a little bummed by my weight loss journey. I had 3 kids all by Csections (9,3, & 1) and I am married. My husband has never been "fat" even when he was technically overweight according to BMI. Anyway he found out he had high cholesterol due to family history. Long story short I changed his diet and 3 months he dropped 100 points on tests. He also dropped alot of weight. Only to expose the muscles he already had, just made them more pronounced. I also changed my diet and went to the gym. Started losing weight. Not as fast as him. But I was so I was happy. I got 8 lbs away from my goal weight and then I just started packing on weight again and gained 5 lbs. He tells me I have fat genes and his family don't so I basically can't eat anything or I will blow up. LOL. He makes me laugh. I don't compare myself to him as he was in shape before dieting plus he is a man and never had babies lol. Even though I gained some of my weight back, I feel good bout the changes my body has made. But I do want to get down to my goal and I just really need a pick me up right now. Hubbie is right about my family cause I have tried to get them to come to the gym or eat healthier and they could really care less. I really don't have a support system and I don't want to give up. Please please somebody reach out!!! Thanks.


  • Victoria_af
    Victoria_af Posts: 9 Member
    Sometimes I find it really hard to focus on the positive. Ithink one of the best things us ladies can do is step away from the scale. Try and focus on how you feel instead. Maybe your clothes fit a little looser?:) Try to remember that its just a number, and you can still be healthy even if you dont think you weigh what you should:)
  • mncdk
    mncdk Posts: 30 Member
    If you are lifting when you hit the gym, keep in mind that gaining muscle will cancel out your fat losses on the scale.

    If you're "just" doing cardio stuff, and you're still gaining weight, then you're simply eating more calories than your body requires. You need to be in a deficit to lose weight. :)
  • r3ban1x
    r3ban1x Posts: 51 Member
    My boyfriend is tall, thin, wiry, never works out, never gains a pound, never has food cravings. I know how it is to have no support system. Everyone in my family is either overweight, obese, or skinny/fat and don't care. I gain weight I "look pregnant", I lose weight I must be "starving," can't win. I know how much better I felt and looked before and I'm the only one who can really know what's right for my body.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    "Hubbie is right about my family cause I have tried to get them to come to the gym or eat healthier and they could really care less.

    that isn't genes, that's attitude. unless attitude is in the genes, and if that's so then you clearly didn't get the same gene pack your family have.
  • Danirobertson79
    Danirobertson79 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! Yeah I am lifting heavy with the intention of adding muscle hopefully to increase my metabolism. Plus I do cardio. One hour of each 5 days a week. Yeah I will take a break from the scale cause it is freaking me out right now. My clothes are fitting smaller and my body proportion is getting better. I was told if I lost more weight I would be too skinny. But according to my height I am still overweight.
  • Danirobertson79
    Danirobertson79 Posts: 3 Member
    "Hubbie is right about my family cause I have tried to get them to come to the gym or eat healthier and they could really care less.

    that isn't genes, that's attitude. unless attitude is in the genes, and if that's so then you clearly didn't get the same gene pack your family have.

    Thanks! That made me think about this CPT I seen on YouTube that doesn't believe genes cause obesity. Rather it is the attitude of the people in the house that causes the obesity such as overeating or making poor nutrition choices. I swear my husband's family gene pool is awesome. His mom has 10 kids and look like she had zero. All her kids are slim except two. And they all can eat!!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Yeah I will take a break from the scale cause it is freaking me out right now.

    heh. i know that. sometimes i'm all glued to the scale - getting the current weight feels like getting those little stickers you can put on a little kid's chore chart to teach them how reward systems work. and then sometimes the scale just gets stuck, and after a while i go into a sulk and start ignoring it . . . like that'll learn it or something :laugh: .

    but meh. if it's always going to say the same thing (or worse), and if always seeing same thing (or worse) is going to make me too discouraged or mad to want to keep on, then why *would* i want to keep watching the scale? i switch my focus to some other 'measure' of reward for a while instead.

    i was doing this thing for a while, for instance. i started out bike commuting as a means of getting my weight back where i wanted it, and i did all this mental math and this figuring out . . . and decided that if a pound of butter is anything to go by, then every day that i rode to work and rode home, i was using up at least two tablespoons' worth of my own fat. so i got a container of dry rice, and i got me another container that wasn't too huge, and every day that i rode i would scoop two tablespoons full of rice from container a to container b. i'm not saying it was scientifically exact volumes, or that any of it had any direct relationship with the actual weight i lost or didn't lose . . . but it was amazing how much i looked forward to my two tablespoons' worth every day. it felt like progress because it WAS progress, but for a while i let myself be fixated on filling/dumping/refilling my rice bucket, instead of being fixated on getting the scale to go down. and in the meantime i kept on riding.
    My clothes are fitting smaller and my body proportion is getting better. I was told if I lost more weight I would be too skinny. But according to my height I am still overweight.

    when you start lifting weight, your own weight goes all weird for a while. mine did anyway, especially when i started trying to challenge myself. i could wake up the day after a workout and find myself 3 pounds heavier, just out of the blue. and then (other people might already have mentioned this), one day you tip some kind of metabolic threshold, spend the whole of one night peeing for gold, and all that weight goes away. usually for me that seems to be if i eat one big dose of calories all at once - even 5 or 600 seems to do it to me.