I wish people would keep mean things to themselves

some random man called me fat on the path today.
the one day I decide to go out without my jacket on for the exact reason of being to insecure to take it off. :[


  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    Just keep up the good work. It takes a special kind of idiot to feed their ego at someone else's expense. Be happy that you are better than that.
  • browneyes97
    People only put others down to make themselves feel better. I bet this jerk would've said the same thing if Angelina Jolie had crossed his path!
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    Who says that to a stranger? He obviously has mental issues. You can lose the weight. He'll still be broken.
  • reginasue4
    reginasue4 Posts: 2 Member
    So sorry that happened. I have been there. With as much as i have to lose, it takes a lot of pounds lost for people who know me to even notice. 30 pounds gone and no one even notices. As for those who don't know us, who you are isn't who you were and isn't where you will be. It hits me worse for people to pity me or hint of an new exercise place or diet on days where they have no idea that i worked out hard and ate very well and had been doing so. Keep up the hard work.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Guess what though?

    You can lose weight. He'll always be an assh0le.

    And he'll probably die alone.
  • Leggylass
    Leggylass Posts: 215
    "If ya ain't got nothin' nice to say then don't say nothin' at all"

    One of my favourite quotes ...... and i hope you told them you can lose weight but a plastic surgeon couldn't fix their face :wink:
  • tandtam
    tandtam Posts: 8 Member
    You need to keep doing what you do and Yes, take off that hot jacket!!! Be free, be proud of your accomplishments and stay focused, eat right, the weight will come off!!! I lost 31 pounds by eating right, light exercise, and drinking plenty of water but I stop eating right and the weight came pouring back on...so keep that jacket off and hold your head high!!! the ski is the limit!!!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Guess what though?

    You can lose weight. He'll always be an assh0le.

    And he'll probably die alone.

    This!^ Odds are very good I would have told him so too since he offered his nasty criticism to a perfect stranger.
  • danicaone_101
    danicaone_101 Posts: 40 Member
    When strangers look at me with a disgusted face or call me names, I look at them and smile/laugh. I figured that I must be really important for them to use energy on me instead of concentrating on their own lives. Just know that he got nothing else to do besides pick on others.
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    Hey I totally sympathise hun I was taking my son to an appointment and some idiot blocked us in in the carpark I called him on it and he told me how fat I was as well I try to let it bounce off but I appreciate how words hurt but hey dont let it interfere with ur journey u are herenu are doing well one day we wont be fat but they will always be nasty horrible people

    Can I also say I have seen the tickers on here and there are some amazing numbers lost wow for inspiration
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    You are fat, so am I, as are most of the people here or at least that's how they started.
    Use the unhappiness as strength to push on and reach your goals.
    The real issue is you can't give anyone, especially some random person that much strength/control over you.
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    It takes a special kind of idiot to feed their ego at someone else's expense.

    Well said!

    I'm a misanthrope and don't have much nice things to say about people, especially when they act like jerks, so I'll hush my mouth.
    But to you OP, keep your chin up and keep on rocking. There will always be idiots in this world, the best thing one can do is simply to ignore them, like the dust they are.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    There are over a billion people in the world. Don't let one idiot bring you down. You're working hard at being the best you can be....Keep up the good work, and to heck with the haters!
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    Ditto to what everyone else said. Plus, you look damn adorable. That asshat isn't worth thinking about for another second.