Looking for help when at a Conference!

Every time I go to a conference I seem to take a few steps backwards, another one is coming up in a few days and I was hoping some of you may have advice! The balance I struggle with is being somewhere new, I like to try new foods + most social events (Where i need to meet contacts etc) are around food or alcohol.

Any tips would be great. Thanks!


  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I struggle with this situation, as well. Conference season for me is going to be in full swing soon, and I am dreading it.

    I try very hard to stick to my usual routine of working out in the AM and bringing healthy snacks with me. The dinners out and the booze are tough to handle sometimes, especially when everyone has a drink in their hand and you feel pressured to have one (or two, or three, etc.), too. I just try to tell myself that overdoing it isn't worth it. Feeling like crap when I get up the next morning and having to be "on" for clients is really tough with a hangover.

    Perhaps we should agree to set limits for ourselves and keep each other accountable. I'm up for it if you are.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    best advice i can give is to make smart choices. how long will you be on this conference for? if its just a day or two you could try and save up some calories until then (say, 200 a day) so you can afford to indulge a little. perhaps find a way you can get a short run or other form of cardio in so you earn that extra beer or two
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Take your best guess (and be realistic) about the calorie content of each thing you try and make sure you don't overdo it. I love trying stuff too. Just remember that some of those hors d'oeuvres can be anywhere from 20-200 calories per bite and mainly carbs/fats.

    Otherwise if there is a menu at a restaurant you're worried about...you can specially order something outside the menu, do a salad, or get whatever you want and make some quick guesses. Decent cut of chicken is around 200 cal, if its fried or has sauce all over it call it 300. Small handful of rice is 100 cal, fried rice say 150, big handful, say 200-300. Veggies don't have much so order all those you can stand. ETC. Just try to keep track and don't go buck wild...lol btw, alcohol leads to bad choices... ;)
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    I travel a lot for business as well. If the conference gives you a "vegetarian" option it's usually healther, so try that for group meals. When I check in I also tell them NOT to give me the mini bar key....too tempting. And yes, bring your workout clothes.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Avoid moving walkways and escalators as much as possible. I had a quick in and out flight in the same day a week ago and I walked enough to hit 10,000 steps by the time I got home.

    Get up early and just go for a walk. I love walking in strange cities in the morning, I usually go find cheaper water.

    Take a water bottle with you so you can fill up and stay hydrated (which can also be cheaper).

    Are any of your conferences using social media? FB Page or even a posting board? Maybe post asking for workout/walking/running partners?

    If you have a choice of hotels check out the fitness options available before you choose. When you check in see if you can get a room on a lower floor and use the stairs instead of the elevator? Maybe your hotel has a pool and you don't normally have access?

    Check Google Maps or even the concierge for a different workout near your hotel?

    Take snacks/power bars/nuts with you, again cheaper than in the hotel. Always take an extra banana or apple from the breakfast buffet.

    If you go to the same conferences every year mention in your conference appraisal that healthier options, especially for breakfast would be great.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I took fruit, veggies, boiled eggs, and a knife (to cut the veggies) when I last traveled for work. Conference breakfasts are generally just pastries, juice, and coffee and I prefer to start with something a bit more substantial for that, thus the groceries. Outside of breakfast, you should be able to find healthier options.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Exercise: get up early and go for a walk. Take a sports bra and in the evening, if you get chance, do a YouTube exercise video.

    Food: take snacks such as apples and cereal bars. At buffets choose fruit and salads and cold meat. I love buffet breakfasts so tend to treat myself to fruit salad and a slice of white toast and butter (we don't get those in at home). If it's a sit down meal, with no choice, I just eat half of each course and skip the pudding. Apart from the other week when I ate 3 profiteroles.

    Water: I ask the bar for a pint glass of ice and tap water which I take back to my room for the night.
  • hscheuerman
    hscheuerman Posts: 15 Member
    My tip for the drinking sessions, I have done this for years, even before joining MFP since I don't like to drink - I ask the bartender for a diet non/cola and ask for it in a wine glass. I can have several of these and it looks like I am drinking wine - no one questions it and everyone is happy. And yes, the bartenders are usually ok with this type of request. Also, stay as far away as possible from the bar food, nibbles, noshes, etc.
  • cwils35
    cwils35 Posts: 51 Member
    Awesome tips! Thank you all! Super excited to try some of these. Gonna pack my water bottle and some quest bars.

    I'll take you up on that Leanbutnotmean44, sending friend request.

    Thanks all!
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    How do you get food and knives on the plane??
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Watch the carbs. Stick to meat, fish, fowl and vegetable.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    How do you get food and knives on the plane??

    Put them in your suitcase and check your bag.