Diabetic and Low-carbing

Years ago I joing MFP but never really used it. I am a diabetic and have tried different and many diets. I am now trying to follow a low -carb diet which I am hoping will help in both losing weight and better control of my diabetes. Low-carbing is very difficult, but I am already seeing my sugars go down (within 2 weeks!). MFP is really helping in tracking my daily net carbs!

I am mostly here for tips, encouragement and to encourage others who are also struggling with diabetes and weight loss.


  • 16Momma16
    16Momma16 Posts: 159 Member
    My husband is type 2 diabetic and we saw his A1c numbers go from 9.5 to 6.9 just by losing 8 pounds. He needs to lose 35. Good luck I am glad you are seeing a difference already.
  • ymendoza1223
    ymendoza1223 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    If you ever want any advice or support or meal suggestions, let me know!

    I'm doing VLC (Very low carb, ketogenic diet), and it's been fantastic.

    My mom has been doing the same, and she's Type II. Her A1C at her last check-up was 5.9!

    Shoot me a friend request - my diary is wide open. It's been boring the past 2 weeks because work has been crazy, so I've mostly been bulk-cooking and eating the same things each day.

    Hooray for low carb!
  • WaynesGurl
    WaynesGurl Posts: 44 Member
    I am not diabetic....yet. I am however a registered nurse and my A1c was 6.2.............the Dr said lose some weight...carbs are not your friend! So over the last 3 months I have lost 28 lbs and I track every bite. Good luck! This is a great tool if we use it!
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    That's great! One good thing is all the cookbooks and recipe sites around for Paleo and Primal. You can use those for ideas even if you don't buy into the whole caveman story or want to follow them strictly.
  • lksparrow
    lksparrow Posts: 1
    Not sure if you are type 1 or 2, but I am type 1, and found that by also tracking my insulin intake, it has helped me as well (especially if you start including exercise, which can really make a change in your insulin intake). So far on MFP I have lost 50 lbs, and have also seen a great change in my A1C's.

    I'm not so much low carb, but just really trying to stay balanced.

    Keep up the good work! Every little bit helps! :smile:
  • It's great that you're ready to make changes to your eating habits and food choices to better manage diabetes. Tracking food intake and exercise sounds like it's already helping you see success. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    @GlucernaBrand - Are you here for personal reasons or are you being paid to post? Having your employer name as your username implies that you are posting on behalf of your employer which is a little creepy.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    disasterman, i've seen that on other boards, and you're right - all her recent posts are on diabetes threads only.

    btw, most companies that have reps who are paid to post at least let them use their name, as well as the company name, so this rep would be GlucernaLynn.
  • ymendoza1223
    ymendoza1223 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much for the encouragement. Like I said I just started with Low-Carbing. I bought a cookbook, low-carbing among friends, I am hoping this will help me in not getting bored of the same food and just falling off the wagon (which seems to happen a lot with other diets that I've tried).

    I will definitely be asking for help!

    Thank you!