Have you ever just wanted to quit and...



  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member

    I just want to be one of those "normal" people that doesn't count calories....they just eat reasonable portions and stop when they're no longer hungry. If they want a cookie, they have one (not three) and are happy. I don't want the thought of food consuming me anymore!!! :(

    Not since I found MFP and started eating Keto (high fat). Obesity is becoming the new "normal" so I am happy to continue spending a bit of my daily time on the internet doing something positive for my life long well being.

    And I found eating a high fat/low carb diet really helped me get a handle on being preoccupied with food. I don't get that crazy hunger I used to get. I sometimes still eat just because I am distracted or bored, but I find it much easier not to bring cookies into the house now the cupboards are full of cream, peanut butter and bacon.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    And how old are you, Miss Original Poster?

    Hmmm, not sure how to take this? That sounded a little sarcastic. :( And what does age have to with it?
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    Haha me too
    And how old are you, Miss Original Poster?

    I've always wondered what OP meant... :bigsmile:

  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    I was just thinking this today, how ironic is it to see this topic!! I just hit the 25 lbs mark, and today I find myself bored with my routine. Bored with the same food. I need to mix it up! Bored with adding the calories in especially. I then realized, if I change up my food, I'll have to find all the food in the MFP database, and that takes so long to do! Maybe I should just do good old fashioned pen and paper lol.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    AMEN!! Its only been 9 days and I already feel like doing this is gonna give me an eating disorder
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've been here for well over three years now and I find it to be super easy. It's a habit for me, and no more difficult and time consuming than brushing and flossing my teeth every day. It's a small effort to make to maintain my health and appearance. It's no more depressing to monitor my nutrition and physical activity than it is to keep track of my personal hygiene or household chores, etc... It's just another part of my daily life.

    Hopefully, it will get easier for you with time. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I've quit MFP twice already...

    on the surface I love food, food is fuel and good and delicious... (what I eat anyways) I like chicken and rice and quinoa and veggies and I'm okay with water and all sorts of other good for you things(not into deprivation/ elimination at all)

    I can eat a balanced meal with 100g of protein and be full and content at a 500 calorie deficient (balanced weekly)

    Some where in my subconscious though... I have a food aversion.. I do not feel hungry on a daily normal basis(I didn't eat breakfast till 5pm today and I got up at 11) If I'm not tracking I get down to 700-1000 calories on a daily basis(based on tracking my normal graze) and then I binge in social situations, parties, or even just snacking at home... I don't hide it, heck I don't even notice it when it's happening, but it's enough to were I gain weight. I chronically under eat and binge eat.

    I cannot do "portion control" to eat healthy... I think I would drive myself crazy knowing what I know about my habits, second guessing and double checking and obsessing over if I was eating enough or not..

    My initial starting weight was 167(see my start date over there) << My starting weight was 181 about 50 days ago(restarted tracking on the wrong profile first 43 days this round /josieami) I've lost about 30 pounds between all my visits to MFP, if I had been consistent I could have already went through a bulk and cut if I wanted too...(which I can totally see me doing after I reach goal)

    For me it's worth it. I already tried "the other way" several times, and even after being educated in nutrition and everything else that I learned on here, I can't keep it straight on my own. So here I am and here I'll stay. :)

    (side note- not trying to hijack, but if anyone finds themselves agreeing with what I've written and in need of another pal feel free to hit me up. Also- I don't tend to prefer friend that eat. thx :) )
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    Why would I want to quit something that works?
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I felt like this and stopped counting calories and gained 20 lbs back, now down 10 of those 20 and I feel better when counting and happier. So for me it's best to do this for the rest of my life, it just makes me happier to know what goes into my body and how much goes into my body.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I get you more than you know.....
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    And how old are you, Miss Original Poster?

    Hmmm, not sure how to take this? That sounded a little sarcastic. :( And what does age have to with it?

    From the tone of your post, I thought you might be under age for the forum (<18) and suspected you'd get defensive about the question if you were. Hopefully I'm wrong on both counts but if I'm not, trust me, it's relevant
  • clm878
    clm878 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the same way sometimes, but I know I can't be trusted to just eat sensibly on my own! Portion control issues!
    I used to do weight watchers and got so fed up calculating points for everything and having to guess at restaurants who didn't supply all nutritional information.

    I'm finding calorie counting a lot simpler so far, but I'd love to just not have to count anything
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    try and do this yourself, by cutting back on portion sizes, cutting out the junk and NOT counting calories??? I get really depressed when I think about having to do this for the rest of my life. My mom always said "if you want to drop a few pounds, just cut out the junk food and go for a daily walk." I only have 10 lbs. to lose to get back to my ideal weight, but I am so tired of counting calories, tracking, thinking about food...."how many calories is this?" "do I have enough calories left today for this?" etc, etc

    I just want to be one of those "normal" people that doesn't count calories....they just eat reasonable portions and stop when they're no longer hungry. If they want a cookie, they have one (not three) and are happy. I don't want the thought of food consuming me anymore!!! :(

    Some people can figure it out and do that. I don't seem to be able to. I'll probably have to count calories forever.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    And how old are you, Miss Original Poster?

    I've always wondered what OP meant... :bigsmile:

    Me to. I'm glad you commented on that so I know it now lol
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I find I can maintain (and did for a couple years after losing 100 lbs) without counting IF...

    (1) I eat unprocessed, vegan -- and no beer :(
    (2) I exercise regularly

    Unfortunately, I simply like beer, fish and dairy too much.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    The way I see it, yeah, sometimes this sucks a lot. I wish I could go out and eat chinese food every night or not log my food every day and there are a lot of times I don't want to drag my butt to the gym.

    Know what sucked even more though? Being fat. Not liking the way I looked in my clothes. Not being able to keep up on a hike with my friends or go for a run with my boyfriend.

    It's not always fun to log your food and work out. But I know at least for myself when I don't monitor what I'm eating I fall right back into old ways, estimating calories and thinking that I'm eating healthy while really putting weight back on. I'm working on changing that and hopefully one day I will be able to permanently stop logging, but for now if I don't log the weight comes right back. Honestly, I think the alternative to logging is putting all the weight lost back on-giving up and going right back there is not in my plan!
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    I've always wondered about the routine and gospel-like advice on this site regarding diets and sustainability. I've read with interest whenever someone makes a "what do you think about doing X diet" post and is met with a chorus of "are you planning on doing this for the rest of your life?" responses. And, "what are you going to do after X is over...."

    My question is, do folks really think the concept of portioning, weighing, and calorie counting sustainable for the rest of their lives.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    I've always wondered about the routine and gospel-like advice on this site regarding diets and sustainability. I've read with interest whenever someone makes a "what do you think about doing X diet" post and is met with a chorus of "are you planning on doing this for the rest of your life?" responses. And, "what are you going to do after X is over...."

    My question is, do folks really think the concept of portioning, weighing, and calorie counting sustainable for the rest of their lives.

    I think yes, just not as strictly. When you get to maintenance you don't get to resume eating with wild abandon, you still have to watch what you eat. Maybe it's not as extreme as now-I do think that I have heard that most people give themselves a window of +/- 5 lbs and if they are approaching the high end of that they will restrict their calories again briefly to get back down. So maybe they are not tracking every day or logging every bite that they eat anymore, but they are still probably aware of how much they are taking in-at least the successful ones who keep the weight off for good!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    For those of you who think no one else is counting calories. The people out there who we perceive as slim, most of them are doing something to maintain their weight even if they do a good job pretending otherwise. They might be eating only one meal a day (the meal you see them eating) or they have days where they hardly eat anything but it does not happen by magic. I realize everyone is different and we can all give examples of people who eat alot and don't gain weight. But most people out there who are not weight challenged are doing something to keep their weight down even if they hide that they are doing it.

    This is at least true for me. I've never really been overweight, just recently decided to get thinner for vanity purposes. The reason I was never overweight is because even when I didn't have weightloss in mind, I was aware of what I was eating, estimating how many calories were in it, ordering healthy items at restaurants, etc.
  • smithcentral
    smithcentral Posts: 25 Member
    I'm going through a bit of that now... What keeps me moving forward is having friends around who keep me accountable. There should always be at least one or two folks who understand and will support you when the rest of the world doesn't "get" why you are doing this.

    I know I'll be counting calories for a long time. Maybe a lifetime. Small price to pay for my health. I get discouraged sometimes, but that's when I fall back on my support system. To me, it's just worth it .