How to calculate daily calorie needs (specific) ?

I have used online tool to calculate my BMR to be anywhere from 1900 to 2000 based on my stats of 6'1'' tall, 190 lbs heavy and 22 years old.

Now, how can I calculate my daily calorie needs if I am doing these activites in a week

3 times per week - jogging for 1 hour total - consists of 5min running (800meters) 3min(290meters) walking for a total time of 96 min. about 1000 calories spent according to one calculator

2 times per week (consecutive) - marching(walking) through woodlands or fields with a 30 pound bag for 4 hours rest of 5min each hour. around 2000-2500 calories burned according to mfp and other calculators

and that leaves me with Tuesday and Thursday which are days where I mostly don't do much in terms of physical activity, very sedentary.


  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Average your needs over the week. I eat at my average TDEE - 20% . If I have a day which is significantly over my average (eg couple of weeks ago I ran a HM on the Sunday) and am hungry I may eat a little extra but averaging my calories over the week means I'm not stuffed on really active days or hungry on less active days.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    BMR x [1.375 (lightly active) or 1.55 (moderately active)]x 80% = caloric needs.

    But have you considered changing some of your cardio to weight training. It's a very important part of training and health.

    Macros should be about 1g of protein and .35g of fat per lb of lean body mass (which you can assume around 20% body fat if you want for an average)
  • Gasset19
    Gasset19 Posts: 8
    I've found really good tool here:

    Hope it will help you to calculate your calories. good luck!
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    BMR formula and then the Harris Benedict formula is what I use. And I love it. Read up on it and see if it's something that works for you.

    If so, you wouldn't have to subtract your workout calories. You'd eat those calories even on your rest days. :)
  • I've found really good tool here:

    Hope it will help you to calculate your calories. good luck!

    thanks, but according to that site i need 3574.0 calories per day... and on average im consuming around 2000-2500 daily (my estimate since i can't use online calorie calculator for foods because i only eat home cooked meals)