rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    A colleague referred to me as "the incredible expanding *fill in name here*". He of course just thought he was being funny...i was not amused!
  • orlandogirl97
    orlandogirl97 Posts: 30 Member
    A few years ago at a fast food place.... Yes, I was eating fries...."you are putting weight on!" Said by my BF in front of a person he used to have sex with! I felt like I had been punched in the face! Yes, I was putting weight on....I already knew this. However, it was not the proper place or time to discuss the matter. I just let it go, I think he knew he should have not said that, there. That was the only time he ever said anything close to that....he has always been supportive. I did not freak out on him later....the look I gave him was enough. I have not brought up that situation....ever. I think he was young and did not think about what he was saying.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    My sister once said I looked like a barrel.
  • Susanlove316
    Susanlove316 Posts: 28 Member
    "Well I see you've gained all that weight back again!" Like I MEANT to do it!
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Eating dinner and my father said I was fat and I should stop eating. Keep in mind.. I was 10 years old.
  • FitB4_50
    FitB4_50 Posts: 2 Member
    one of my coworkers started referring to me as "Bertha" for those that don't know it is a nick name for a person with a really large buttocks -- I laughed the first few months she called me this new name -- but recently i saw a picture of myself from the rear and was not amused at all
  • orlandogirl97
    orlandogirl97 Posts: 30 Member
    July 11, 2014 11:02 AM

    When I was 10 and got off an plane....the first thing my mom said "Look how fat you are!" I'm very short and have had a hard time with my weight. I had gained about 8 pounds while staying with my grandmother for a month. ALOT of weight, I know. But she would ship me off there every summer knowing there was nothing to do there...Nothing to do but watch TV and eat.....she did not live in an ideal area for a 10 year old.....The funny thing is EVER time before I see her again....I always think about that comment before I see her.... It has haunted me my entire life. Watch what you say to your children! Yes, I need to lose 20 pounds.

    I have had many things said to me about my weight/looks
    In college, my neighbor "your kind of fat"
    In college, a guy I was waiting on "Well you are starting to put weight on"
    A friend "I would email you but you are not as pretty as she is"
    A friend "put your arms up, you look like PartickStar"

    A female friend "No, I'm not worried about you spending time with my boyfriend"

    I could go on and on....

    I was going to an evening wedding. I know it was not going to be formal. She did not know the couple. MIL said "It's going to be formal, you should wear Sue's prom dress" Sue was 5'6 110 pound and a size 2. I was more like a size 8-10 and 5'1. Wow, that dress would have looked great on me! I don't know if she meant to be mean but it really hurt my feelings.
  • frelibra23
    frelibra23 Posts: 2 Member
    S@#T with a GUT, "Look, she bounced!!" That is all...
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    July 11, 2014 11:02 AM

    When I was 10 and got off an plane....the first thing my mom said "Look how fat you are!" I'm very short and have had a hard time with my weight. I had gained about 8 pounds while staying with my grandmother for a month. ALOT of weight, I know. But she would ship me off there every summer knowing there was nothing to do there...Nothing to do but watch TV and eat.....she did not live in an ideal area for a 10 year old.....The funny thing is EVER time before I see her again....I always think about that comment before I see her.... It has haunted me my entire life. Watch what you say to your children! Yes, I need to lose 20 pounds.

    I have had many things said to me about my weight/looks
    In college, my neighbor "your kind of fat"
    In college, a guy I was waiting on "Well you are starting to put weight on"
    A friend "I would email you but you are not as pretty as she is"
    A friend "put your arms up, you look like PartickStar"

    A female friend "No, I'm not worried about you spending time with my boyfriend"

    I could go on and on....

    I was going to an evening wedding. I know it was not going to be formal. She did not know the couple. MIL said "It's going to be formal, you should wear Sue's prom dress" Sue was 5'6 110 pound and a size 2. I was more like a size 8-10 and 5'1. Wow, that dress would have looked great on me! I don't know if she meant to be mean but it really hurt my feelings.

    OMG, get new friends!
  • beautyforashes0890
    beautyforashes0890 Posts: 35 Member
    When I was in high school, a guy I was dating poked my stomach and said "wow, I've never felt a girl's stomach be so soft before." And so began the starvation diets and self loathing attitude which thankfully I have since gotten over.
  • Igotthatcake
    Igotthatcake Posts: 169 Member
    "YOU SHOULD GO TO WEIGHT WATCHERS!" *She shouts across the room in front of all her friends who then start giggling at me*-This was said to me by a girl who had a nose bigger than China's population. She was just an insecure bully!

    Another time my friend said "You are just a little bit bigger than me"...The conversation we were having had nothing to do with my weight!
  • CatarinaF
    CatarinaF Posts: 34 Member
    My wedding is in 2 months and MY FATHER said I was "massively fat" - I should "starve for a few weeks" or I would lose my fiancee.......
  • Igotthatcake
    Igotthatcake Posts: 169 Member
    A few years ago at a fast food place.... Yes, I was eating fries...."you are putting weight on!" Said by my BF in front of a person he used to have sex with! I felt like I had been punched in the face! Yes, I was putting weight on....I already knew this. However, it was not the proper place or time to discuss the matter. I just let it go, I think he knew he should have not said that, there. That was the only time he ever said anything close to that....he has always been supportive. I did not freak out on him later....the look I gave him was enough. I have not brought up that situation....ever. I think he was young and did not think about what he was saying.

    I am sure that look stayed with him and will stay with him for the rest of his life. GOOD ON YOU! HAHAA
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    "I'd tell you your eyes were bigger than your stomach...but..."
  • danicaone_101
    danicaone_101 Posts: 40 Member
    A family member said to me "you can't get a handsome boyfriend because you're very fat and ugly.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    My wedding is in 2 months and MY FATHER said I was "massively fat" - I should "starve for a few weeks" or I would lose my fiancee.......

    Holy S___. On behalf of Dads every where I'm sorry.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    My wedding is in 2 months and MY FATHER said I was "massively fat" - I should "starve for a few weeks" or I would lose my fiancee.......

    ...and that would be the last i spoke to my father for a while.
  • 1soullessginger
    You have a pretty face but too bad your gut is so big. I wanted to die.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    A taxi driver refused to take me in his taxi. I was in Beijing China. Didn't know how to complain or report him. Maybe it wasn't possible. I was NOT that fat!!! 6' tall & 205#.
  • cierrataylor92
    cierrataylor92 Posts: 8 Member
    I got asked once when my baby was due (I was not pregnant) and what was even more insulting it was from a woman with a full on beard...