rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    I have a friend who I think is unintentionally rude. We work together and she is always saying how she wouldn't bring some other friends we have at work to meet her husband... whereas I've met and hung out with her husband a lot. Basically meaning she has nothing to worry about with me around her husband and she does when there are skinny pretty girls!

    Oh, and two girls where talking about how in the world this really cute guy was dating this really ugly and bigger girl, with me in the conversation. I tried to tell them it what's on the inside that counts, but they couldn't get past it. :/

    I just let it slide and use it as my motivation to become hot!
  • orlandogirl97
    orlandogirl97 Posts: 30 Member
    When I think back it's hard to recall any specific incident. I was called fat a lot, but it never really fazed me. I accepted that I was fat and felt that it was a valid criticism.

    What frustrated me the most was the constant you should loose weight or attempt to control what I was eating while everyone around me continued to eat bad. My mom would tell me that I need to work out and eat less, and then tell my dad to go order Chinese food. Then when it arrived she would try to control my portions while my dad would have 2 or 3 plates full. Then what would really frustrate me is when I would actually want to get fit and eat better, but would receive little to no support from the family members who criticized my weight. When I would say "ok I want to loose weight, help me out and stop buying chips and other bad snacks" they would say ok, and maybe abide by it for a week, but then the very next week there would be a whole tub of ice cream in the fridge, left over pizza, and a bag of chips and some donuts in the cupboard. They would even begin to complain that my "healthy fresh food" costed too much even they could afford to eat out every day and had two 60K cars. The cognitive dissonance really destroyed my motivation. I simply had to realize that my parents were full of **** when it came to "wanting the best for me." At this point I just cut them off and ignore them when it comes to health advice. They always try to give me their two cents even though I've already lost 60 lbs making me a practical expert when it comes to weight loss. It's like a pauper trying to tell a millionaire how to make his next million bucks. He doesn't need their advice he's already done it once.

    Well, you look pretty hot now! And you can correctly use cognitive dissonance in a complete thought. :::swoon:::
  • Rogue_Girl
    Rogue_Girl Posts: 36 Member
    Wow... someone else mentioned it: you go through this thread and it just drags up some awful memories.

    I had this middle aged guy, who still lived at home (seriously) point to my, then, nine month pregnant friend and say to me, "She's not the fat one, you're the fat one."

    To this day, I have no recollection about how that came up, I just remember my girlfriend holding me back from decking the guy.

    Another time, I was about to get on the streetcar. People had already gotten off so, ideal time to get on, yes? Anyway, as I made my way to the first stair, some doofus who hadn't been paying attention to what stop he was at, got up and ran into me. His response? "Out of the way, you fat b*tch"

    And finally, last year I was crossing a very busy intersection in which a woman had her car blocking the way and thus causing me to walk into traffic to get around her car. I saw the window was open and made a comment to my husband about how she clearly couldn't see there wasn't any room for her car. She offered helpful advice, "Lose weight, fatty!" I smiled and offered my own, "I'm doing just that, thanks. At least I can change. "
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    My friends called me a Crackhead .. as my body fat was nearing 7%. I am eating ice cream now ... and honestly I am looking better.

    Moral here .. totally ignore the scale and measuring tape .. and look in the mirror more.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I was 12 years old and was in an awkward period (you know, where you put on 20 pounds before you grow 6 inches) and I asked dad to scoot his chair up at the dinner table so I could get by him. He said "Well, if you didn't have such a big butt, this wouldn't be a problem."

    I still feel a little bit of the hurt I felt then when I think about it!
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    A colleague referred to me as "the incredible expanding *fill in name here*". He of course just thought he was being funny...i was not amused!

    Prior to being pregnant I was 170lbs 5'4...... fast forward to me 6 months pregnant. You are fat, with 2 kids and one on the way; nobody else would want u!

    That has never left my head
  • Fitdoge
    Fitdoge Posts: 52 Member
    I was at Panera Bread eating a sandwich (as a treat to myself since I had a terrible day at work) and two women were sitting across from me. The place was mostly packed and they came up and snickered and pointed at me and made crude "fatty" gestures (putting their hands apart, keeping air in their cheeks for a "bloated" look) and I heard one of them say "ew, I don't wanna sit next to her, I'll get fat and ugly too". At first I didn't pay attention to them but they just kept poking "fun" and saying things to each other like I wasn't there. They made me feel like a monster. They were saying things like "ew it looked at me!" "oh my god I ordered the same thing she did, does that mean I'm a fat cow too?" "wow, I'm surprised she doesn't need two of those chairs!" "or four!" inbetween fits of laughing and staring at me like I wasn't human. I left in tears.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    *this is way back when I was married to my ex. Like 10 years ago*

    I'd walked away and he said to my brothers wife who was also with us at the bar.
    "do you see her, did you see her *kitten* as she walked by... when I met her she had the greatest *kitten* I'd ever seen and now I can find about 20 better here .;.including yours. She's such a disappointment"

    I don't know why she took years to tell me this.
  • younginaz
    younginaz Posts: 71 Member
    Not sure which one to choose ... but my mother had a multitude of nicknames for me:
    Fat lump, clumsy elephant, (enjoying your food 'fatty'? ) , Greedy, fat cow, pig, greedy pig..
    'you're too fat to wear jeans'
    'I think you should wear something more flattering'
    ' I think your face looks better when you're fat'
    'you'll never be thin like your sister, so stop trying'
    ' you're just meant to be fat, your dad is built big, her dad is skinny, it's in your genes'

    My mum is a lovely lady. Oh and hey I got skinny and now she's all sorts of jelly :D

    That is terrible. One time I saw my mom after a fairly long absence and as she's coming in for the hug, she said "your as big as a house" Everybody within ear shot was as mortified as I was.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    A few weeks ago my husband referred to me as a "FAT A**"

    Words definitely hurt.

    Wow. That is an awful thing to say to anyone. It's an inexcusable way to treat someone you love.
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    A co-worker said to me one time "I remember when you were really fat" This was after I had lost around 60-70 lbs with a little more to go :)
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    The only one I can remember is when I was doing a really ****ty job washing up, there was this really bitter old woman that had been doing this ****ty job for like 20 years or something. Anyway she was telling a story and said something along the lines of " my sons girlfriend who is really fat" - looks at me and says "no offence". Well I wasn't offended but I sure as hell am now...
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    A few weeks ago my husband referred to me as a "FAT A**"

    Words definitely hurt.

    and you punched him in the balls, right? What the eff? I couldn't even fathom mine saying that to me.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    Many years ago when my now grown daughters were little, I took them to the lake to the swimming area. I had a sun dress over my black swim suit. Back then I weighed over 360 pounds and am only 5'2". Some teen boys saw me walking down toward the water and one of them said, very loudly "oh my god, a beached whale". I acted like I never heard it but it cut me to the quick. I couldn't concentrate on having fun with my kids because my heart was crushed at the cruel words.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    *this is way back when I was married to my ex. Like 10 years ago*

    I'd walked away and he said to my brothers wife who was also with us at the bar.
    "do you see her, did you see her *kitten* as she walked by... when I met her she had the greatest *kitten* I'd ever seen and now I can find about 20 better here .;.including yours. She's such a disappointment"

    I don't know why she took years to tell me this.
    throat punch fixes all.....\m/
  • GenZombie
    GenZombie Posts: 117 Member
    My Father loudly telling my Mother that he doesn't want me to sit on their brand new sofa because I will dent the cushions.
  • Sonshine1296
    Sonshine1296 Posts: 25 Member
    My mother-in-law said to my face that if I just lost a bunch of weight I could go sing on Broadway.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I was taking a walk around my neighborhood, and a couple of guys drove past & yelled out the window at me to "Go on an f-ing diet fatso"
  • Bostonsoul
    Bostonsoul Posts: 151 Member
    You want rude? I used to live in Argentina when I was at my largest..down there, such a superficial, vain society, if they want to get someone's attention and they were overweight, they would yell "Gordo!" without even thinking, which is translated to "Hey fat man!".
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    One of my ex's dad told my ex "that I was only with him because of my weight.. if I lost a bunch of weight I could have had anyone I wanted." I think he was trying to insult his son by saying if I was thin I'd be way too good for him, but it was really just insulting to us both. I wanted to punch him in the face.