Anyone with similar struggles?

Hi there. I just wanted to take a moment and introduce myself a little bit.

I have just seriously started my journey about 7-8 weeks ago with a fitness challenge thru my work. It was great having people to motivate and support me and also to hold me accountable!! For once in my life, I won something related to fitness!!! haha. I only lost 14 lbs total, but it felt great to eat healthier and feel healthier thru more exercise. I never stuck to any diets before this challenge. I always gave up about 2 weeks in or whatever. Never had the will power to say no to my favorite foods. But, with other people going thru the same challenge, it made it so much easier to stick to it!!!

I am currently 31 years old (but turn 32 next month), 5'4", and hoping to lose 100+ pounds. I used to be somewhat thin back in high school and directly after. The base of my struggle is that I eat when I get emotional. It's a comfort to me... I gained a little weight in the few years after high school, but eventually I started taking the birth control shot (Depo) which I gained a ton of weight on. When I made the connection that the weight gain was from that, I made the choice to stop the shot. The nurse practitioner told me the weight gain was a side effect from the shot and that it was weight I would never be able to lose. So, I became 'content' with the fact that I would always be a big girl... Since I found out I can actually lose some weight, I'm trying to work at it full force!! I have been trying to get into running the last few weeks, which has also been a challenge for me. I'm starting slow and working up from there. I'm about half run and half walk right now... lol.

I am a single mother to a 2 year old. He keeps me young!!! I'm ready to do something for myself and live a happier healthier life. I want to be happy and comfortable in my own skin again.

I would love to get some contacts on here and motivate each other!!! I have had this app for a while, but never really knew it was an actual community.. lol. I just used it to log my food and activity, and never ventured outside of that. So, I'm trying to connect with people that might be going thru the same struggles I am. Feel free to add me!!!


  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Good for you to turn the page! Feel free to add me. I post daily.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    Hi! I can totally relate to the emotional eating struggle. It's hard not to reach for that piece (or ten) of chocolate after a particularly difficult day...sigh. I also gained a significant amount of weight after taking BC in my 20s that I've never been able to lose (I'm 37 now). If you'd like to add me, I'd be happy to provide a little support.
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    I gained a little weight in the few years after high school, but eventually I started taking the birth control shot (Depo) which I gained a ton of weight on. When I made the connection that the weight gain was from that, I made the choice to stop the shot. The nurse practitioner told me the weight gain was a side effect from the shot and that it was weight I would never be able to lose. So, I became 'content' with the fact that I would always be a big girl... Since I found out I can actually lose some weight, I'm trying to work at it full force!!

    So you're almost 32 years old and this whole time you seriously thought there's a certain type of fat from the shot that if you gain, you'll never be able to lose?? Umm okay...

    I was on the Depo for months and never gained a pound. The shot doesn't make you fat, it *slightly* increases your appetite. that's it.

    Good luck throughout your journey
  • oceansmist
    oceansmist Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kansas :)
    I am very new to this site and program but so far I am really loving it. Before I joined the army I was pretty overweight and had to lose before I could sign on. I began a walking program that slowly incorporated jogging too. At first I was walking only, but slowly I would jog sporadically during the walk and before you knew it I was jogging only :) Keep up the great work, its always challanging at first but once you begin losing weight the motivation will increase so much. I am out of the military now and have gained some weight due to injurys I obtained while in. I have 56 lbs that need to go bye bye lol. Please add me, I really need motivation from as many people as possible.
    Have a great day
  • kphil11
    kphil11 Posts: 2
    Hello. I am just on day 5, here, so I am also a newbie. Don't let the negative comment (or two) get you down. We are all here for the same reason - to lose weight. It doesn't really matter how or when we gained it. The pounds got tucked into our pockets and stayed there, for whatever reason.

    It's great that your work great motivated you to get started! I am sure those same people are still cheering you on, even if they aren't participating in the challenge any longer. There are a few things I have found that help me avoid emotional eating. Picking up a book will take my focus off whatever is causing the emotion, at least for a while, and allow me to calm down.

    Polishing my nails, fingers, toes, or both, keep me busy for a while, and you can't be digging into a bag of chips with wet nails. If you live in a neighborhood that's good for it, put your little guy in a wagon or on the back of a bicycle and hit the sidewalk. He'll love it and the change of pace and scenery will help you, too.

    I don't even know how to add anyone, so I'll leave that up to you. If you want to add me, you certainly may! Hang in there, and remember that it doesn't happen overnight, no matter how much we wish it would.
  • kansas_mom
    kansas_mom Posts: 16
    Thank you everyone!! The extra support will be totally worth it. I'm sorry now that I took that nurse practitioner's word for it and trusted her. I figured someone in that position would know what they were talking about... And the research I did do afterwards said that weight gain was a side effect so I figured it was true. I'm definitely not educated by any means in their department, so I don't make a habit out of telling them they are wrong. I'm just happy to know that my doctor now is very supportive and encouraging and has squashed any thought I had that it was weight I couldn't lose!! He has been a huge help to me. Thanks to those of you that offered encouragement and some early pointers!! I'm going to do my best to stick with this. :) I'm here to support each of you along your journeys as well!!
  • BuddhaMom74
    BuddhaMom74 Posts: 147
    Hi! I also struggle HUGE with emotional has always been my biggest stumbling block to maintaining weight loss. I too am a single mother to two (almost) perfect children; my son is 11.5 and my daughter is they get older I feel like I'm starting to get a life back, but at the same time, less running around with kids means more time eat :(
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    Feel Free to add me. I'm a single mother who also had a problem with emotional eating. Looking to lose 100 Lb plus, will be happy to provide motivation. We can do this.