Where do you get your motivation to lose weight?

I got my motivation after I lost a little bit of weight to start, it really kept me going.
I'm a new member, friend me if you would like! :) could always use new friends for added motivation.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I got my starting motivation from my wedding pictures, I didn't feel beautiful at all :(
    I get my motivation now from my success and seeing the weight loss
  • jenn50
    jenn50 Posts: 81
    i got my motivation from looking at old pics. i get my motivation now from ppl around me constantly talking about losing weight and i know how bad i want it.
  • teeminus30
    teeminus30 Posts: 14 Member
    At first I was motivated by a friend. Then it was the results. The feeling better. Now, I'm loving the compliments.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,430 Member
    I got my initial motivation from vacation pictures and seeing how much I had gained even though I worked out alot. I get my motivation now by both the positive comments I get (shallow I know!) and from how strong and healthy I feel. I did a class this morning where we did so many planks and pushups I truly lost count and I had no problem doing any of them (well, the pushups got harder!) I feel amazing and love being able to walk into my closet and worry that the item won't fit because it's too big not because my butt is too big.
  • Deberlin88
    Deberlin88 Posts: 70 Member
    I get the motivation from knowing I've done it before, so I can do it again. I look at pictures from a year ago, when I weighed 15 lbs less, and that's the image I want to get back to. I also look at pics from when I weighed 183 lbs and know that I NEVER want to look like that again!

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  • alyssa83202
    I've only lost 4lbs so far, but that really helps motivate me too because I feel like I can do it!
    I get my biggest motivation from wanting to be healthy and wanting to be able to wear whatever I want and feel comfortable!
  • vdub88
    vdub88 Posts: 79
    Write down the reasons you want to do it and post it on the same mirror you use to get ready in the AM - don't just post it READ it every time you look in the mirror. Make sure that your reason are for YOU not for others. you will be more successful if you do it for you!

    Motivation comes from knowing i"m making these changes for the rest of my life - I lived 40 years of a eating crappy whatever i wanted life and i'm not happy. I'm happier since I started working out doing things for myself and knowing and proving I can do it despite others. Its important to have support to celebrate the small successes and reward yourself pedicure manicure. getting close to a goal is reward enough to keep me going:bigsmile:

    please feel free to add me
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    add me as a friend. I wrote my old measurements. Also havinf friends make you accountable.
  • alyssa83202
    I also have pictures of me from a couple years ago at my goal weight and those really help to motivate me too!
  • crbailey
    Our yearly family trip is motivation, but Yankees Spring Training with the guys in Tampa is my ultimate motivation. Set short and long term goal.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I've always wanted to lose weight, but I never really knew how to start and would put it off day after day until it turned into years. When I really got motivated was this summer when I realized how out of shape I really was getting. I would start sweating from something as simple as standing for a few minutes so I knew I had to do something. I was eating whole pizzas & buffalo wings in one sitting so I was on track to getting even bigger so I'm kind of glad I caught it before it got worse.
  • LosingTheInches
    You all have great motivation! Congratulations.. And.. writing it on the mirror, that was a great idea, thanks! Good luck everyone, you can do it! Never give up!