Motivation from ABOVE

pinkissheek Posts: 185
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Does anyone else find motivation from God? Or am I alone on this? I feel somedays that he is the only thing that pulls me through, and I have been talking to him when I feel the urge to snack or eat. I was just wondering if anyone else does this?


  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    You know I dont think that I ask for his help on this, on everything else I do,
    I feel like I am selfish if I ask him for my weight too,lol
    He is a great support.
    Try us also, we will help you.
  • mlm7944
    mlm7944 Posts: 15
    I do! Whenever I'm feeling tempted, I remember that he said their is no temptation that he doesn't give us the ability to resist. I pray for help with energy, motivation, good rest & quick repair of muscles. I believe our bodies are a gift and we are meant to take care of these gifts. We are to use them for his service, so if I let mine go and am not able to be active to help others, then I am wasting precious time here on Earth. Glad to know others are like-minded. Have a great day!
  • I completely agree with you. When running my 5ks Im always praying for Him to get me through. Ive heard there is a program out there that rely's on prayer for weight loss (ei - Lord give me the will power to say "no", help me to understand when my body is hungry/full). Simple prayer like that is what I do daily to help control cravings. The Lord states to ask and it may be provided. Way to use the Lord to help you with your journey.
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    Honestly, I do. I don't ask him to help me lose weight. because there is a certain way of doing this. But I ask him for the strength, courage & willpower to get through this. and so far he has been excellent in helping me be strong. ...But i think you are doing a great job. another thing is everyone believes in him in there own way., and not everyone believe's in him either.
  • AmBriCo
    AmBriCo Posts: 24 Member
    I do too! His Strength is made perfect in our weakness! :0)
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Absolutely!:love: Would love to share more on this but do not have the time right now as I am at work.
    I'll share more later.
  • sunnyand71
    sunnyand71 Posts: 15 Member
    I need to do this more than I do, handling my food intake choices as well as my activity level my way obviously hasn't worked. I, too, have felt selfish for asking HIM for such an insignificant thing in the grand scheme of all that is wrong with the world. I must allow myself to remember that I am significant to him and of no less importance than any of his other children. thanks for the reminder.
  • sunnyand71
    sunnyand71 Posts: 15 Member
    I need to do this more than I do, handling my food intake choices as well as my activity level my way obviously hasn't worked. I, too, have felt selfish for asking HIM for such an insignificant thing in the grand scheme of all that is wrong with the world. I must allow myself to remember that I am significant to him and of no less importance than any of his other children. thanks for the reminder.
  • sunnyand71
    sunnyand71 Posts: 15 Member
  • khuite
    khuite Posts: 2
    If He cares about the sparrow, then He certainly cares about our struggles. I particularly use my warmup minutes on the treadmill to read the Bible. (After about a chapter, I'm into hard and heavy running, though, and can't keep my eyes trained - haha) I find it such a satisfied feeling to know I'm developing both my body and my spirit, as He gave me both!
  • I do ask him to guide me through this and pray for the strength to do it!
  • It's good to know that I am not alone! Thanks for all the replies!
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