Need a buddy!

Hi everyone! My name is Heather. I've been a MFP member for a while, but just recently got back to tracking and actively trying to get into shape and lose some weight. I've got just under 40lbs to lose to get to my desired weight but I'm also working on getting fit, building muscle and just plain feeling AWESOME about myself and my body. The main goal is to love ME.

I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated; to track, to make good eating choices, to get my butt out of bed and to the gym and just chat with in general, via text, email, skype, whatever. I'd like to find people who have similar interests and goals.

So...about me... 31 years old (32 next month!!), female, mom and wife. I'm also a bit geeky/nerdy; I like video games, sci-fi and fantasy, work on computers, love to cook and read.

Tell me about yourself!


  • Nanierh85
    Nanierh85 Posts: 118
    I like to support people here on MFP and it's always a pleasure to see how they make progress. I am also kind of geeky/nerdy and love video games :)
  • cammiefisher
    I am looking for buddy to help keep me motivated as well. :smile:
  • susan136
    susan136 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! You can add me if you want...
    I just restarted MFP too (must be the 5th time) and looking to lose about 50 lbs and get some health issues under control.
    I really need buddies for motivation, my husband supports me but not actively. I have 4 kids, just turned 37 and also love sci-fi, fantasy and reading is my favorite hobby!
    The only form of exercise I love is yoga. Although the dog does make me chase after his soccer ball as form of torture!
  • scjacinta
    scjacinta Posts: 1
    I NEED A 5 A.M. Buddy!

    I need to lose 40 lbs!!!!
    I need a work out buddy!

    In 2011 I lost 30 of those lbs with the help of diet, 64 oz of water daily, and absolutely NO SITTING until bed time. I did not work out. It took me about 5 months to achieve this, but the no sitting part came naturally because I had a toddler.

    What has changed you ask? I got a new desk job, I moved, I quit smoking, and now my daughter doesn't wanna play outside, she wants to play minecraft after school. We sit all day. So, I'd like to teach my daughter to be fit and more active too.

    A few months ago I was up up up! Every morning! Logging every meal and working out at 5am. It was my birthday month, I turned 29. I did really good cardio for a month straight. I will be 30 next May and I do not want these 40 lbs hanging on my waist hips and legs!

    This week, I set 5 alarms and hit snooze every time, I have severe brain fog that says "I'm too cozy to get up".
    I need motivation to get up! Or helping someone else with motivation might keep me on track!
    I am obsessed, every single day I Google new alarms and try to find that motivation I had 2 months ago.

    I worked out today (Saturday) only because I do not work on weekends. I have a more relaxed schedule on weekends.
    However, working out just 2 days a week is not going to get me the results I need.

    This is my goal:


    Wake up - 5 a.m. (eastern time)
    Cardio DVD - 5:15 a.m. (30-45 mins)
    I need to be done by 6 a.m. to get ready for work

    I'd like a text buddy :)

    Good luck everyone! We can do this :)
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Thanks for the adds....we can do it!
  • Squid4TRX
    Squid4TRX Posts: 645 Member
    Hello all! I too have been off track for a bit with my logging of food and activities here on MFP. I just finished a school up for my job (I am in he Navy) and have gotten back into a routine of getting to the gym early and ensuring I get my physical training in.

    I am married, have two daughters and I turn 40 next month. I have a history of heart disease in my family so improving my health and diet, as a true lifestyle change, is something that I am taking seriously.

    I am up at 4:30 a.m. and leave my house to be at 5 and in the gym by 5:30. I too like to encourage others and sometimes a little motivation from others helps me over the wall of getting it done some days. If you would like to add me as a friend, send me an invite. Keep pressing and all the best to you as you work toward your goal!