Walking, Jogging, and Biking?

I figured this might be the best places to ask?

Right now I am roughly 231, my main goal atm is to get under 210.

As of now I've been just jogging and walking.

And I'm trying to find a better way to make things work healthier for my knees and quicker is possible.

The plan I was thinking was to jog every other day normally 3 miles, and to walk everyday 6 miles. I was wondering if biking 12ish miles the off day of jogging would be better? Or to do something else?

I also plan to start doing the P90x workouts once my brother finds them at his house.


  • jzs20
    jzs20 Posts: 58 Member
    Ellipticals are low impact and burn a lot of calories without killing your knee's.
    That along with cycling and jogging here and there wil have you losing weight in no time.

    Good luck man
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    Swimming is no impact, if it's available to you.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    If you're having knee problems while running then there are a number of different things that could cause that; poor form, ill fitting or inappropriate footwear, strength imbalance in the leg muscles.

    I'd suggest getting a shoe fitting for running shoes at a decent specialist shop.

    Equally cycling can help the strength imbalance, as long as you're clipping onto the pedals. Similarly rowing can help, as can straightforward resistance training, but you don't get the same cardiovascular benefit from that.
  • NHitchner2
    NHitchner2 Posts: 31
    I'm more worried about my knees than them giving me a problem atm, if I go to hard and have the problem I have been having of something getting pulled a little too much are working out too hard too quickly and just lose motivation again. I started working out back in high school and than broke my collar bone and stopped for too long. And have kept starting and quitting too quickly.

    But now that I don't really have much of a choice about getting into shape, I want to do it correctly and efficiently.

    Jzs for some reason whenever I use the ellipticals at my college I feel alot more pressure on my knees than when running, I'm would guess I'm using them wrong, but I also could be that I don't have the right type of shoes as Meandering said. My shoes are the non-custom fit ones for flat-footed people since I bought them awhile ago with out thinking enough, and don't have the money now to buy knew ones.

    Glass there is a lake decently close to where I am, I do not know exactly how far someone can swim out on it, its something I was planning on doing this week.

    I would totally start kayaking if I could get my hands on one of them, its a lot of fun.