GIANTS UNITE! M/F OVER 6' - Looking for fellow tall friends



  • Im 6ft 7 and atm looking to lose the weight tho
  • anyone on here thats aroung 6 ft 6 / 7 know what our ideal weight should be the docs recon i should be 16 / 17 stone that cant be right
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    6' 3" here. It's good to be tall, except when I'm buying shirts!
  • Malachai76
    Malachai76 Posts: 128
    6' 3" here. It's good to be tall, except when I'm buying shirts!

    ha ha totally agree with esp the shirt one i need a medium/large shirt and there always to short, either that or where a larger size which is like wearing a tent

    btw 6'3" here
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    6'1" here! I love being a tall girl, even if that does mean having to get all my clothes special ordered. And tall guys are HOT!!!
  • BehindtheMic
    BehindtheMic Posts: 1,741 Member
    6'2 here...not a real giant but...
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    :laugh: The pros and cons of being tall, I have to share that with my son. I am only 5'6 but he is 7'0. People constantly stare at him and make smart *kitten* remarks LOL
  • wolfie640
    wolfie640 Posts: 49 Member
    A mere 6ft 3" here good to have a few fellow taller guys & gals as friends that are looking to get lean...(and then bulk)
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    6ft 1" here, the runt of the litter in my family! My dad is 6ft 2'', my eldest brother is 6ft 3'' and I'm pretty sure the other two will beat me!
  • Einheim
    Einheim Posts: 4 Member
    6'5 here, always wondered if it was a gift, or a curse, lol.
  • Pete1964AK
    Pete1964AK Posts: 85 Member
    Yay, I found the cool crowd to hang with.
    6' 2 here, tall enough to be noticeable, but on the short side of the big guy crew.
  • 5'9.5" here, but I love wearing heels ;)
  • wonkosane
    wonkosane Posts: 42 Member
    6' 7".

    (but I'm short for my weight)

    Also, did you know the top of your refrigerator needs dusting?
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    6'2", kinda freakish for a woman. And freaking hard to buy pants!!
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    6'2", kinda freakish for a woman. And freaking hard to buy pants!!

    I have great fun buying trousers, I got my upper body length from my Dad and my legs length from my dwarf-ish mother so I'm 6'1'' buying short leg trousers (29" leg). It was really difficult to buy trousers at the height of my weight, trying to find short leg trousers with a 44" waist...
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I'm just about 6'...which for a woman is tall...and I certainly don't know many women (or men actually) my height or taller. I'm glad crops are in style because that's what all pants end up being on me...and shorts are short. So I embraced it and got a thigh tattoo hahaha.
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    6'2 checking in!
  • siminske
    siminske Posts: 35 Member
    6 foot 8, was 289pounds, now 240pounds,, lets go...want to be at 225 by the end of the year.
  • Dragonborn79
    Dragonborn79 Posts: 161
    Hey! I just saw this thread and I want in! I'm just 5'10 but I wear heeled boots all the time. Besides, I'm taller than most of the people I know and the shorties are always giving me hell for it. I belong here with my brothers and sisters, dammit.