I need your help!

Heyya, my name is Arah, and I am 22 years old. A few weeks ago I stepped on the scale for the first time in months. The number that came up was 195 pounds! I realized, at that moment that I needed to do something about my weight. I have struggled with overeating AND under eating my entire life and right now is time to change that! I am looking for some friends. I want people to talk to about things that are working and things that aren't. I want someone to text or talk to when I'm feeling overwhelmed or like I want to give up. I want to be there for other people. I just want to feel as though I am not alone and I can connect with people through this journey. If you are at all interested in calling, texting, skyping, kik, email, facebook... ect.... let me know!!


  • bozzstfu
    bozzstfu Posts: 2 Member
    You can totally do this, the hardest part is building the habit and ignoring the "I can't do it" BS in your brain. A few years ago, I was in a car accident which nearly crippled me. I went from being an aspiring yoga instructor to someone who would throw out his back from sneezing. The hardest part is starting small and sticking with it. To start, just promise yourself you'll push yourself this week and don't get overwhelmed. Keep your heartrate up for 20 minutes each day for a week, just to start. See how you feel after.

    As for diet... I just think "Damn, I just worked so hard to keep my heartrate up, do I really want to waste that by eating sugary crap?" and from what I've learned, sugar and processed crap is more the enemy than anything. I know it's tough, I'm a total sucker for snicker bars and really crappy fast food.

    You got this, you can do it.
  • arahmcglaughlin
    arahmcglaughlin Posts: 3 Member
    I am definately in!! You can email me @ arahmcglaughlin@gmail.com to exchange info if ya want!