stuff that freaks you out to the healthy road

okay ... i really am freaking out now... i have lost 3 pounds in one day.. that is so not healthy !!! okay lets see i only ate 742 cal for that day and 96 carbs and 32 g fat 24 protien and i did not exercize ... whats going onn i dont want to loose muscle ! this is harddd ! its really hard to eat alot of food since im not a big fan of eating at all ..! its not that i dont like food i just cant handle alot of it and i tryied small meals but i dont seem to get enough cal .. how do you balance it out>>>> and not loose weight rapidly .. to most people they would be excited but that means im looseing alot of muscle if i keep looseing weight at this rate i want to look healthy not like i havent ate in a million yrs hellllllllppppppppppp any advice>?- your friend randa


  • momsdiet1
    I have read several different diet plans and all of them seem to agree that a woman should not go below 1200 calories per day. I know it is hard some days to eat that many calories when you are "watching what you eat", but you have to find healthy foods that you like so you can keep the calorie count up. Also read that the body goes in to starvation mode and will actually hold on to the fat - so make yourself eat healthy smart calories. Good luck! A good filler for me is whole wheat bread with yogurt spread...
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Your weight can flucuate a couple of pounds. Don't worry I don't think you lost 3 pounds in a day.

    Some tips~
    You need alot more protein!!!!
    You need a minimum of 1200 calories per day.
    Have 3 healthy meals and 2 good for you snacks per day....string cheese, fruit, almonds, yogurt (greek yogurt has 2x the protein!!!)

    Gotta go for now. I'll try and think of some more things and get back to you.
  • cableguy1177
    Don't worry, you didn't really lose any mass. Most likely, you only lost water weight. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, even when you're not working out. Also, try to always eat at least 1200 calories a day. Your body will need it just to maintain what you already have. Your activity level should dictate how much of a calorie deficit you have, not under eating.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Water weight. You can fluctuate up to about 5 pounds per day. I wouldn't worry about it.'re 19. When I was 19 I remember I would eat under calories, and the weight does come off faster.
  • bellybasher
    bellybasher Posts: 7 Member
    Don,t worry it is common for your body weight to fluctuate a few pounds every day. For that reason that is why you should just weigh your self once a week. (so you don't think you lost or gained a few ponds in one day) and only 742 cal seems a little low but i don't know what your specs are so that could be right. you just don't want to eat too fee calories or your body will go in starvation mode but wont loose weight but possible gain and crave all the bad stuff that you love. I think the recommended protein is low on this site so you might consider eat more lean protein. Other then that i would not really worry about your 3 pounds in one day.
  • bellybasher
    bellybasher Posts: 7 Member
    Don,t worry it is common for your body weight to fluctuate a few pounds every day. For that reason that is why you should just weigh your self once a week. (so you don't think you lost or gained a few ponds in one day) and only 742 cal seems a little low but i don't know what your specs are so that could be right. you just don't want to eat too fee calories or your body will go in starvation mode but wont loose weight but possible gain and crave all the bad stuff that you love. I think the recommended protein is low on this site so you might consider eat more lean protein. Other then that i would not really worry about your 3 pounds in one day.
  • randa715
    whole wheat bread and yogurt spread>? tell me more please : )
  • randa715
    thanx forr all the advice