Insanity and Shoulder/Back Issue

Hi- Today is my first day of recovery week. I have a rhomboid/scapula issue that I have had on and off for 6 months that is acting up, so for the last 2 weeks of Insanity I have been doing other moves while Shaun T does anything pushup/plank/shoulder bearing weight related.

My question is-- does anyone have tips on how I can modify for month 2? I want to see the results I deserve from my efforts, but I can't bear too much weight on my arms- I notice the most "pain" (it's more of an annoyance) when jumping/walking my feet up to my hands when coming up from level drills or planks. I tried wall pushups and knees down for a bit but still have the shoulder issues.

Thanks in advance!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Since it isn't going away by itself, and since taking generic advice from the web could make it worse, i'd see a physical therapist, orthopedist or similar medical professional.

    Good luck
  • stevegietz
    With issues like that, Insanity may not be the workout for you. I agree, get some physical therapy for it. The pushup/plank work only gets more intense in month 2. I recommend you switch to something low impact until you get that taken care of before it gets any worse.

    I will say that Insanity doesn't really focus much on upper body stretches and your shoulders/back can get really tight/cramped after a couple of weeks if you don't dedicate some extra time for upper body stretching. Good luck!

    Edit: Get a foam roller and see if that helps you. It alleviated some of my lower back issues.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    An awful lot of month 2 is shoulder heavy (lots of planking and power pushups). I would advise finding something that won't focus on your inured joints so much until you heal up.
  • brd1121
    brd1121 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks all, back to physical therapy for me then!