Rock bottom

Thud. That's me hitting the bottom. Bought some clothes today in a size I swore Id never wear. Wow. Absolutely time to change. I will not live another year in this body. Time to make my big climb from the bottom up!


  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hi Nice to meet you :) I know that feeling very well. Congrats on taking the first step. Make sure you start by logging all your food and being honest with yourself. That will get you far :) There is so much wisdom and encouragement on this site. Be sure to read around. BEst of luck to you on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Welcome! The first step is making the decision and meaning it.
  • BeccaJoanne1991
    BeccaJoanne1991 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting out too, been at it a week and with the motivation & support from this site it's so much better than any other attempt. You'll do great! good luck and if you ever need someone to talk to or some support just send a message my way. All the luck in the world for your journey xx
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    You can do it!

    Make yourself a priority!
  • yesterdayusaid2morrow
    Good for you taking the first step! :D You got this, stick with it!
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I have been on my journey for almost a year. My rock bottom was related to stomach issues and my refusal for bigger clothes too. This is a wonderful site with fabulous support. Remember to ask for help when you need it. We all started at some point, just remember none of us knows the right way. It is an individual journey.

    Enjoy the ride. You will be surprised at how you change. Healthy living has changed me so much. I am down 40 pounds and started in size 16 pants. I am now in size 8 and still working toward my goals.

    Happy to chat if you ever want/need.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    You've got this:)
  • blintaro
    blintaro Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I know how you feel. I'm at my heaviest weight ever, and I feel like it's now or never. I've got to change.
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    I know that feeling exactly!! I've been on here for 72 days and I'm just realizing why I'm really here. I found some awesome friends and motivators!! Find a few good friends and I guarantee it will make an incredible difference!! Good luck to you!!

  • kaytee57078
    kaytee57078 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! That is exactly how i felt before I found this website (for the 2nd time) It came down to either make a choice for the better or just give up totally so Ive been logging my food and trying to walk/bike with my fitbit and so far seems to be working :) you made the right choice ! Feel free to add me as a friend if you need motivation !