Consuming too few calories following customized meal plan

I have hired a personal trainer from a very reputable private studio and also paid for nutrition counseling which includes a meal plan. She has recently given me a two week meal plan that she customized to me. She asked me to start logging my food to keep myself on track and when I did today and went back to log the past couple of days I've done on the diet I've noticed that I'm not even consuming 1,000 calories a day. The meal plan was presented to me as being 1200 to 1300 calories a day so I have to trust her, but I'm a little skeptical. Do you think I could be possibly just logging my calories wrong which is why they are off? I have been feeling tired and have lost my appetite quite a bit. Not sure if those are symptoms of consuming too few of calories. Thanks for your help!


  • cookmtn
    cookmtn Posts: 156 Member
    If you open your diary (go to settings then diary settings and make public) people will be better able to help you. In general 1200 calories a day is quite low unless you are very petite. I am not a nutritionist, so take my suggestions as such. Read the sticky posts at the top of this forum. Good luck!
    Eta: the post in the getting started forum: A guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants.
  • Nikki08079
    Nikki08079 Posts: 5 Member
    Guess you have to log the foods throughout the day making sure you are eating enough
  • jclark051
    jclark051 Posts: 20
    my goal is to also eat about 1200 calories daily. It is a pretty large deficit... but it helps to potentially reach a 2 lb weight loss per week which I have been able to maintain the last few months. I find that I err on the side of caution and will often log more calories than less if I am unsure...
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    If I were you I'd double check the calorie numbers and if you're still coming up short, bring it up with the trainer and possibly ask for my money back on the nutrition plan.

    I don't know how much confidence I'd have in this person's ability to tell me how to eat if the meal plan has you eating less than 1000. What qualifications does this person have with regard to nutrition? Exercise and nutrition are two different fields of expertise. Just being a trainer doesn't mean this person know anything about nutrition.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    Double check portion sizes, as well as specifics like: low-fat, low sugar, etc.

    If you are definitely eating exactly what was provided, contact the trainer ASAP. She is putting your health at risk if your intake is too low!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Ask for a refund of your money back then have a look at the link. To call yourself a nutritionist you do not have to have any qualifications and those qualifications out there are pretty questionable. Unless they are a registered dietician I really would personally take their advice with a pinch of salt. Good luck
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    most of the doctors and trainers i've known have known nothing about nutrition - but they always think they do. and just because someone works at a "reputable" place or is well spoken of doesn't mean they're qualified. sure, you could be logging your calories wrong, but i'd want to know for sure. after all, it's YOUR health on the line.
  • caitlinlauram
    Thanks for all your advice! I definitely will talk to my trainer about the caloric intake and next time go to licensed nutritionist instead. I also spoke with a friend of mine who lives in England and is a nutritionist and she says that the meal plan I'm on is definitely around 1,000 calories daily. She mentioned to add extra calories to my snacks, which I'm going to do.