Gettin slightly annoyed

Ok so here is the deal... I started eating better and working out about 4 months ago. I have lost 21 lbs (would be a little more but I was a little naughty during the holidays) Otherwise, I have been busting my @$$!!! Ok well, a friend of mine weighed in at 200 lbs when I started dieting. ( I was 217), but we were the same size and the same height with practically the same build. She just started dieting 2 months ago and has already lost 30 lbs! I know I should be happy for her and I am but I can't help but to feel discouraged and slightly annoyed as she has NOT been working nearly as hard as I have. I won't tell her this as she is a good friend....but it does still slightly annoy me...but I feel bad for being annoyed


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Look at my avatar. Many people are losing a lot faster than me, but the end result may be different. If your friend is not exercising along with her dieting she may end up with a flabby belly and bat wings. Keep in mind what type of end result you want to have.
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    I'd be annoyed also. Stinks when ppl lose faster. I have a friend and years ago we did weight watchers together. She always lost more then me but when we fell off the wagon she gained
    Ore back than I did. So I guess it evens out. Lol. Just keep doing what your doing. Cause in the end you'll be healthier slimmer and happier.
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Keep in mind too not everyone's body is the same, the previous poster has a very good point, my friend and I started watching what we eat together a few years back, as we both lost similar weight, she was doing it unhealthy ( not eating...not working out) and she ended up gaining all of her weighht back and even a few extra pounds! Not that i would ever wish that on anyone, but just remember you are doing this FOR YOU...for your health, for your self esteem...not for hers, or to beat her!! YOU GOT THIS!! Just stick to it. :)
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I think you are being really honest to admit it annoys you. Who hasn't felt that before? I have. You want to feel that you get out of an experience what you put into it. She may be losing more pounds, but you are probably gaining more calorie burning muscles that will help you maintain in the long run once you've hit your goal. Totally normal human emotion - don't give up.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Thank you to all!
  • hollyagl75
    I have come to terms with the fact that my metabolism is slightly slower than my peers (I also have no thyroid). But I also know that I gain muscle very easily and can tone up quickly when I am strict with my exercise and strength training. This too may be the same for you. Everyone's body is different and if you just do your best you'll reap the rewards!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Is she dieting or changing her lifestyle habits???? If she is dieting then as soon as she start eating normal again she will gain some if not all of the weight back.... and if youve changed your lifestyle then you may lose the weight slower but you will keep the weight off!!! Also if she is just dieting and not working out she is going to become what they call skinny fat..... I had a friend do the same she lost the weight faster than me but now weighs more than me!!!!! Just something to think about!!! :flowerforyou:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It's a 9 lb difference, that’s peanuts if you have many to loose. Hopefully you lose more in inches since that counts more but keep it up. If you get really bitter, sneak some fatty things into her snacks, LOL!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Is she dieting or changing her lifestyle habits???? If she is dieting then as soon as she start eating normal again she will gain some if not all of the weight back.... and if youve changed your lifestyle then you may lose the weight slower but you will keep the weight off!!! Also if she is just dieting and not working out she is going to become what they call skinny fat..... I had a friend do the same she lost the weight faster than me but now weighs more than me!!!!! Just something to think about!!! :flowerforyou:

    She is dieting and taking in about 1200 cals. I am intaking slightly more as per MFP. She does light treadmill as well. I do moderate-vigorous treadmill and elliptical
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I would have to agree with Gigi, you stick to your plan and you will come out farther ahead in the long run.

    Keep YOUR goal in mind.
  • LeaAnnKolb
    I know how you feel, but in the opposite direction. My sister and I were both well over 200 pounds. We didn't commit to starting a diet at the same time or anything, but we both knew we were on a similar journey. She is way more active than I am; swimming, training for a marathon, weight lifting, where I only really walk and do Wii Fit yoga. But I have been losing much faster than her, and now that the gap is so far spread, I feel like I've pushed away my morale-boosting partner. She's never said anything, but now I worry she'll roll her eyes if I lament a calorie overload or won't high-five me because I went down another size. She is clearly adding more muscle than me, which is part of it, but you'd think of all the people in the world, my SISTER and I would be in the same boat. We even both have PCOS, which can attribute to a certain type of weight gain.

    So I think it's totally natural to feel annoyed, and bravo for admitting it. But you never know, maybe she feels bad on her end too. You guys may teeter-totter back and forth as you go along. It's going to be impossible to lose at the same rate. But keep at it and you'll both come out on top! :flowerforyou:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Is she dieting or changing her lifestyle habits???? If she is dieting then as soon as she start eating normal again she will gain some if not all of the weight back.... and if youve changed your lifestyle then you may lose the weight slower but you will keep the weight off!!! Also if she is just dieting and not working out she is going to become what they call skinny fat..... I had a friend do the same she lost the weight faster than me but now weighs more than me!!!!! Just something to think about!!! :flowerforyou:

    She is dieting and taking in about 1200 cals. I am intaking slightly more as per MFP. She does light treadmill as well. I do moderate-vigorous treadmill and elliptical

    Ok 1200 is too little for most people to stick with for life meaning her body wont adjust well when she starts eating more. Her body thinks its in a conservative mode right now and so her metabolism has slowed and once she starts eating more its going to store it as fat because its not sure how long this new abundance of food is going to last!!! Now you have the right idea taking in more...You really need to eat at least your BMR (the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day) and then eat back at least half (if not all) of your exercise calories.... also add some weight training to your workouts.... cardio alone isnt enough and if you want to avoid the skinny fat then you have to build muscle!!! Your not going to get bulky and muscle burns fat!!! You can get your BMR here
    Trust me making a lifestyle change is going to be better for you in the long run because you can allow yourself to enjoy the things you like in moderation and not feel deprived!!! The weight may come off slower but you will have a better chance of maintaining it than she will!!!!
  • 90poundsoflard
    TrainerRobin had a really good post that I just finished reading. "Myth or Fact? 3500 cal = 1lb" I'm not exactly sure what the title was, but it was very interesting, and cleared up some things I was wondering about. Like, Why do some people lose weight faster than others?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Everyone is different, even between siblings.

    This isn't a can make it one if you want. However, getting and being healthy is entirely dependant upon you.