Atkins (low carb) friends needed.



  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    I try to stay under 50 carbs a day. It works for me. Please, feel free to add me. I am always up for having new friends!!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • demonwithahalo
    demonwithahalo Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not Atkins diet, but I am low carb. I try to keep carbs at under 50, and eat my body weight in grams of protein daily. Other than that, just eat as clean as I can, and train hard.
  • wigwal
    wigwal Posts: 14
    I actually do Ketosis, which is basically the induction of phase of Atkins done long term, I try to eat as close to 20 Net Carbs or below per day to maintain Ketosis(the biological reaction that is cause by carb restriction, it forces your body to burn fat for energy).

    Plan ahead, cook all your breakfast and lunches for the week on a Sunday so that when hunger kicks in you can nip it in the bud.

    Learn the meaning of 'Net Carbs' aka Carbs minus Fibre.

    Caveman Keto is a blog site with lots of amazing recipes and youtube tutorials.

    Are all great little communities with lots of recipes, progress pictures and hints and tips to help you succeed.

    Anyone please feel free to add me on my fitness pal, best of luck to you.

    P.S. I started at 385 last January and am now under 285.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hi, I'm a low carber - feel free to add me.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Aw cute. See post above. It's interesting how people get so defensive over a criticism regarding a diet Science, and therefore by extension nutrition, is to be discussed and explored, not ridiculed for bringing up an alternative (or dismissed as 'full of crap').
    I call them like I see them. Your post is full of ignorance and opinion, and severely lacking in truth.

    I'm happy to discuss and explore, if you're willing to educate yourself on the diet, and actually read the dozens of studies on LCHF diets . . . By the tone of your posts, however, I doubt you are.
    What journals have you read recently by the way?
    All of them. Seriously. I even contribute rather often. How about you?
    You can take the sarcastic congratulations back, but thank you.
    Nope, it's yours to keep. My gift to you.

    Would you care to link me to the multiple studies showing a LCHF diet is unhealthy? Because I can link you to nearly 30 showing it's superior to low-fat or other types of diets for glycaemic control and all known biomarkers of CVD health - and just as good (often better) for weight-loss.

  • EbonyAries
    EbonyAries Posts: 19
    Hi, I started the atkins diet 6 days ago, so still in induction. Feel free to add me to pls. Would love friends that log on daily. Thanks.
  • 24lol25
    24lol25 Posts: 49
    I'm on the Atkin's diet too. Anyone can add me if they want to. ????
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    The evidence shows that initial weight loss is more rapid, but levels out and long-term there is no greater weight loss than following a conventional diet. The studies showing their benefit have very small sample sizes and cannot in turn be called reliable.
    No matter how much water you load your kidneys with, you're not going to help your kidneys filtration if you overload them with protein (however, indeed if you're dehydrated it'll make this worse as this will aid your constriction of the vessels supplying blood to the kidneys).

    Studies have shown a link between the metabolic syndrome and the Atkins diet: insulin resistance, increased cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke) risk. They have also shown detrimental effects on the kidneys.

    Yes they show weight loss, but no more than by following a sensible method (calorie deficit, exercise). In fact one of the only benefits of the Atkin's diet is its use in Epilepsy!

    It makes me sick how much money a detrimental diet has made and how much popularity it has garnered. If you are not confident whether the adverse effects of this diet have been 'definitively' proven why not stick with a diet that yields the same results and definitely does not harm your body.

    Stop telling people how to eat. There is conflicting evidence on the topic, and as a nurse, I have seen no hard evidence of this being true in any case studies. South Beach, Atkins, Mediterranean, DASH, and paleo all recommend similar guidelines towards a higher protein, higher (healthy) fat, lower carbohydrate (and less processed or "clean" and veggie based carbohydrate) dietary choices. I absolutely hate bread and all the women in my family have diabetes. I have a blood disorder which leaves me chronically anemic and I should be eating a lot more protein than I am currently able to afford. People like you are like "Bleh! You suck! You're unhealthy! Eat 'normal' you're being irrational!" as if you even know how MY body WORKS or DOESN'T. You don't get to tell people what's best for them. And it's not a fad diet, it's a lifestyle change. It's not YOUR diet, and if you aren't going to contribute, then you're trolling.

    OP- you can add me if you want. I'm eating a modified low carb diet but you'll see some influence in my meals and snacks for the most part.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    Im not doing atkins but am trying to do a low carb diet 50gr or less. It is very hard to do not just missing the breads and pasta but so many veggies and fruit have carbs. I have gone over my limit many days but its always from veggies or fruit and I have been losing 2 to 3 pounds a week. I will take for me but I have to admit I do miss my big plate of spaghetti :)
  • Crawfie16
    Crawfie16 Posts: 14 Member
    BRILLIANT, Penny. Thanks from a low carber.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Stop telling people how to eat. There is conflicting evidence on the topic, and as a nurse, I have seen no hard evidence of this being true in any case studies. South Beach, Atkins, Mediterranean, DASH, and paleo all recommend similar guidelines towards a higher protein, higher (healthy) fat, lower carbohydrate (and less processed or "clean" and veggie based carbohydrate) dietary choices. I absolutely hate bread and all the women in my family have diabetes. I have a blood disorder which leaves me chronically anemic and I should be eating a lot more protein than I am currently able to afford. People like you are like "Bleh! You suck! You're unhealthy! Eat 'normal' you're being irrational!" as if you even know how MY body WORKS or DOESN'T. You don't get to tell people what's best for them. And it's not a fad diet, it's a lifestyle change. It's not YOUR diet, and if you aren't going to contribute, then you're trolling.

    OP- you can add me if you want. I'm eating a modified low carb diet but you'll see some influence in my meals and snacks for the most part.
    You are absolutely awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member
    I'm currently shooting for 20-50g carb days. Getting less than 50 is pretty easy, but I have had a hard time keeping it under 40g. Anyways, I'm up for recipes and ideas and everything :-)
  • fmbike2112
    fmbike2112 Posts: 1 Member
    I too recently started Ketogenic/Atkins. Feel free to add me if you want. I'm always looking for motivation/inspiration. Especially when I'm jonesing for some peanut butter and chocolate. Great job on your loss so far. That's awesome. I'm down 32 since mid-May 2014 and got a lot more to go.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    Good luck to all of you! :) I'm not full atkins or full CICO. I'm just looking to lose about 25 pounds and put this spare tire in the trunk for good! I do fully enjoy the atkins candies and bars though because they are pretty much 1 gram of sugar and 1 of carbs. They taste just as yummy as a candy bar to me :)
  • Hi, I'm doing keto :) feel free to add me!
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm currently following a TKD. Feel free to add me.
    I would advise against screwing your kidneys over with this diet.

    With proper hydration, there's really no evidence to suggest a low/lower carb diet has any negative effect whatsoever on kidney function.

    And you researched this where? Or did you just say that? Actually I did research and it's not the low carbs that damage the kidneys, it is the state of extended ketosis that has been proven to cause the damage. As per the Mayo Clinic, American Kidney foundation, and other studies. They also found that most people never really get out of ketosis, but instead stay there so as to further weight loss. Atkins advises 4 hard and fast phases, and ketosis is tapered off as you progress. But, everyone wants the fast results, they stay on the induction phase, and thus do more harm than good.
  • I love the idea of Atkins but not sure how I am going to handle the low carb thing - my downfall food wise is carbs. Happy to give it a go though! feel free to add me! I have a good 44-50 pounds to lose (ideally 20kg).