
I know that fish is the best for you to eat but what kinds of meat is the best to eat? my whole family wants to lose weight and guess what I'm the cook lol so i just wanted to figure out what kinds of meat are good for you to eat and what meats to stay away from. Thank you ^.^


  • lilhope72
    lilhope72 Posts: 24 Member
    It's all about portion control. A little bit of any meat is fine. If it is red meat, try to get leaner cuts and try to limit it to a few days a week. I don't eat meat myself, but I cook for my family too. I have seafood Monday's, poultry Tuesdays, red meat Wednesdays, etc...
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    There's no bad or good meat. Whichever one fits your caloric needs, eat it.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    There's no "good for you" or "stay away from." There's varying amounts of calories and fat to meat ratios, and also flavor. At most, I might stay away from really processed meats and maybe nitrates/nitrites. (ETA: Read up and decide for yourself about nitrates/nitrites in food.)

    As far as lower calorie choices: try using white ground turkey or chicken instead of ground beef in some recipes. Boneless, skinless chicken breast is low calorie, but it can get dry easily. Thighs have a bit more calories but are far tastier. Shellfish like shrimp are always a good choice, they're super low-cal. Most people can eat a pound of shrimp each meal and not go over budget.

    Even fattier and higher calorie cuts like well-,marbled steaks have their place in a balanced diet. Try weighing them out on a foods scale and eating an actual portion, 4 ounces, instead of an entire 1-pound steak. Or cut higher calorie meats with lots of veggies, like in a stir fry or stew.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    My husband and I both grew up on farms (read: must eat meat, and taters, and milk -- well, him anyway!).

    I have found success with variety. We eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs. Occasionally, I can sneak in a meatless meal. I have slowly been trying to move the heavier meats to meat-as-seasoning rather than meat as meat. (example: We love ring balogna, kielbasa, chorizo, etc... I know, terrible... but yummy. Instead of kielbasa with saurkraut (holy sodium), we have started grilling foil packets with cabbage, potatoes, onions, peppers and slices of kielbasa -- one package of meat lasts for 2 meals instead of one -- plus, we dump everything together so I can spoon myself as much cabbage as I can dig out and he can take more meat -- both of us happy!)

    Also, we just try to prepare foods the healthiest way possible. I've never had a fried/breaded pork chop... grilled is so much better!

    And, on left over night, he and the kids can eat all the meat, I can get away with veggies!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    You've got a good start on fish...skinless chicken, turkey...sausage isn't that great for you but like others have said, eat all things in moderation and you should be ok!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I know that fish is the best for you to eat but what kinds of meat is the best to eat? my whole family wants to lose weight and guess what I'm the cook lol so i just wanted to figure out what kinds of meat are good for you to eat and what meats to stay away from. Thank you ^.^

    All meat is good for!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    There's no 'best meat'. They all have their own benefits. If you don't have many calories left then go with one that has less fat ie turkey or lean beef. Or if you're short on fat for the day opt for lamb etc.

    I don't pay much attention to health advice where food is concerned but a couple that are thrown about are, not too much fish because of the mercury and not too much red meat because of the cholesterol (rubbish IMO). So that's something else to consider if you go for that kind of thing.

    If you mean, what's the best tasting - fillet steak =D
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    We try to eat lean meats most of the time, but we don't do it all the time.

    We have tuna, chicken or turkey with lunches if we are having meat with lunch.

    For dinners, I usually stock the freezer with chicken breasts, pork loin, and Flank Steak as our lean options. Then we have chicken wings, Thin NY strip (easier portion control), and ground pork as our less lean options. WE use the pork to make wontons or spring rolls- that kinda stuff my kids love.

    We use lean turkey burgers most of the time, but sometimes we get lean ground beef.
  • jmcnally257
    In the knowledge of how fats work, all real, unprocessed, grassfed and wild caught meats and fish are good for you, BUT I would lay off the poultry as much as possible, due to the fact that you have to heat it so high to kill bacteria, which alters the structures of the good saturates into bad.

    Low mercury, wild caught fish. Good quality local pork and bacon. Grass fed red meats. High in micronutrients and good fats, but remember, the higher the fat content, you MUST lower the carbohydrate content of the meal.
    Organ meats are fantastic for micronutrients.

    I say grass fed and wild caught because the commercial battery raised animals are fed a diet of crap and pumped full of hormones that drastically damage the quality of the meat. If you're going to eat it, go for quality, not quantity.
  • parkparksarah
    chicken meat I guess,.. especially the breast part
  • cowebber123
    thank you all I just wanted to see if their was any specific meat their was that wasn't good for you. I think I'm going to try to have more fish and chicken though instead of meats.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    All the meat. Eat it all. No reason to not to.

    I am actually trying bison for the first time tonight.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    All the meat. Eat it all. No reason to not to.

    I am actually trying bison for the first time tonight.

    Oh yeah, bison is delicious! Very lean, but still moist. Makes amazing burgers too!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    All the meat. Eat it all. No reason to not to.

    I am actually trying bison for the first time tonight.

    Oh yeah, bison is delicious! Very lean, but still moist. Makes amazing burgers too!

    It was really good! I had a NY Strip Steak and pan cooked it like I would do a beef steak but for less time. The best way I can describe it is that it was richer and buttery-er then beef. Yes, I know I made up a word there but anyway. It will be going on my normal menu rotation that is for sure!