
Brand new to this site and hope that it helps! I've got over 150 lbs. to lose and feel like I am at a crises point - now or never! Am counting on the group environment to get me through!


  • Annersbike
    You can do it. You've already taken the first steps in getting there, just gotta stick with it. I'm new on here too. We CAN do this
  • jjcollins83
    welcome !!!! im new also . lets get our skinny on!!!
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    Hello and welcome! this site has a lot of people and they give a lot of support and advice. Best of luck to you on your journey feel free to add me if you like.
  • mommyfirst77
    I am new as well! WE CAN DO THIS~
  • regi1
    regi1 Posts: 28
    Welcome. It is a hard road but you can do it. I have around 100 to lose but when I started trying last April I had about 150. I did not start actively using this site until a couple of months ago. It is a slow process because it seems like so much but this site and the support helps.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome and the best of luck losing that weight. This is a great site to use, to make your goals become a reality. Add me as a friend, if you like.