Someone smart help me with these numbers, please!

To start off, I am 162cm, 21, 59kg and female, I've been eating my BMR, which MFP said was 1350. I walk 4-10km six days a week. I've been dieting for three weeks now. At the two week mark I'd lost 2.5kg, but the next day I went up to 59kg and I've been sitting on that steady for a week now. Is this normal, or am I getting my calories confused? I log -everything- and I weigh everything accurately. I also don't eat back my burned calories. Surely this is too early for a plateau?


  • Lortad
    Lortad Posts: 7 Member
    Are you drinkin water?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    :heart: Weight – So many things can affect weight, because of this it shouldn’t be the only way you track your progress. Things to keep in mind:
    :drinker: Always use the same scale – Different scales can show different weights. You will get the most accurate number for tracking when using the same scale.
    :drinker: Don’t move the scale – Carpet, uneven flooring, different types of flooring…can all affect the weight on the scale. So when you weigh, you want it to be approximately the same spot for the most accurate number for tracking.
    :drinker: 3500 calories – To gain 1lb of fat you need to be over maintenance by 3500 calories.
    :drinker: Muscle Repair – Muscles will hold onto water to repair, because of this it is not uncommon to see a gain for a little while after a workout. This weight comes right back off when they are done repairing.
    :drinker: Sodium – Can cause you to retain water. This can also be amplified if you don’t drink enough to flush it out of your system. This is also another reason for temporary weight gain.
    :drinker: Water – Not drinking enough water can actually cause you to retain water. Recommended amount is 8 cups or 64oz. I drink 64 oz to 128 oz of water a day. It doesn’t have to be plain water either. I like to flavor mine with crystal light or tea.
    :drinker: Time of day – Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. So for the most accurate tracking, you want to weigh at around the same time.
    :drinker: Frequency – This is up to you, but if small fluctuations bother you than only weigh once a week or less.
    :drinker: Lightest Weight – Will be naked, first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom
    :drinker: Multiple times a Day – Don’t Do It. As I said before, your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. What you eat, what you’re wearing, ect will all affect weight.
    :drinker: Clothes – If you weigh with clothing on, keep in mind that the scale will show your weight plus the weight of your clothes. (Jeans are heavy)
    :drinker: TOM - A lot of women will retain water around their TOM, but its just temporary and will go away.

    Take measurements. They are a better judge of progress.

    This is a chart I made of my weight last year to help show how much weight can fluctuate from day to day:
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Weigtloss is not linear also as your BMI is already within normal bounds I'm guessing you are only aiming to lose a small amount. it will be slow going due to this. Eat back at least some of your burned calories and just try and have some patience.
  • monhumbert
    monhumbert Posts: 11
    I'm aiming to be 55kg, so yes, only small. This is my first time ever watching what I eat and being healthy, so I'm pretty clueless when it comes to all these numbers. I drink a lot of water, although probably not as much as I should.
    I just find it odd how my weight would stay _exactly_ the same every day for a week.
    I've heard conflicting things about eating back calorie v. not eating them. At the start I was eating them back, maybe that was the key! I'll give it a go, although I find it a challenge to make it to 1200 some days.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm aiming to be 55kg, so yes, only small. This is my first time ever watching what I eat and being healthy, so I'm pretty clueless when it comes to all these numbers. I drink a lot of water, although probably not as much as I should.
    I just find it odd how my weight would stay _exactly_ the same every day for a week.
    I've heard conflicting things about eating back calorie v. not eating them. At the start I was eating them back, maybe that was the key! I'll give it a go, although I find it a challenge to make it to 1200 some days.

    if your having trouble meeting your calories, try including some higher calorie healthy foods in. I can't see what your eating, but here are some suggestions.
    - Almonds
    - Peanut Butter
    - Avacodo
    - Full fat foods (dietary fat isn't evil)
    - protein shakes (really helpful if your having trouble getting a decent amount of protein in your diet)
  • monhumbert
    monhumbert Posts: 11
    I'm aiming to be 55kg, so yes, only small. This is my first time ever watching what I eat and being healthy, so I'm pretty clueless when it comes to all these numbers. I drink a lot of water, although probably not as much as I should.
    I just find it odd how my weight would stay _exactly_ the same every day for a week.
    I've heard conflicting things about eating back calorie v. not eating them. At the start I was eating them back, maybe that was the key! I'll give it a go, although I find it a challenge to make it to 1200 some days.

    if your having trouble meeting your calories, try including some higher calorie healthy foods in. I can't see what your eating, but here are some suggestions.
    - Almonds
    - Peanut Butter
    - Avacodo
    - Full fat foods (dietary fat isn't evil)

    Thank you, that's a good idea!

    What I really need is someone to just say "this is what _you_ need to do to lose weight", I guess you have to pay for that kind of service, though!
  • monhumbert
    monhumbert Posts: 11
    :heart: Weight – So many things can affect weight, because of this it shouldn’t be the only way you track your progress. Things to keep in mind:
    :drinker: Always use the same scale – Different scales can show different weights. You will get the most accurate number for tracking when using the same scale.
    :drinker: Don’t move the scale – Carpet, uneven flooring, different types of flooring…can all affect the weight on the scale. So when you weigh, you want it to be approximately the same spot for the most accurate number for tracking.
    :drinker: 3500 calories – To gain 1lb of fat you need to be over maintenance by 3500 calories.
    :drinker: Muscle Repair – Muscles will hold onto water to repair, because of this it is not uncommon to see a gain for a little while after a workout. This weight comes right back off when they are done repairing.
    :drinker: Sodium – Can cause you to retain water. This can also be amplified if you don’t drink enough to flush it out of your system. This is also another reason for temporary weight gain.
    :drinker: Water – Not drinking enough water can actually cause you to retain water. Recommended amount is 8 cups or 64oz. I drink 64 oz to 128 oz of water a day. It doesn’t have to be plain water either. I like to flavor mine with crystal light or tea.
    :drinker: Time of day – Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. So for the most accurate tracking, you want to weigh at around the same time.
    :drinker: Frequency – This is up to you, but if small fluctuations bother you than only weigh once a week or less.
    :drinker: Lightest Weight – Will be naked, first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom
    :drinker: Multiple times a Day – Don’t Do It. As I said before, your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. What you eat, what you’re wearing, ect will all affect weight.
    :drinker: Clothes – If you weigh with clothing on, keep in mind that the scale will show your weight plus the weight of your clothes. (Jeans are heavy)
    :drinker: TOM - A lot of women will retain water around their TOM, but its just temporary and will go away.

    Take measurements. They are a better judge of progress.

    This is a chart I made of my weight last year to help show how much weight can fluctuate from day to day:

    Oh, wow. That chart is very interesting/helpful. Thank you!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    What I really need is someone to just say "this is what _you_ need to do to lose weight", I guess you have to pay for that kind of service, though!

    We're here to help, but we're not YOU. Only you can figure out what you need.

    What generally works to lose weight is to eat less than your TDEE but more than your BMR. And the more accurate you can be with your numbers and intake, the more predictable the loss could be.
  • monhumbert
    monhumbert Posts: 11
    What I really need is someone to just say "this is what _you_ need to do to lose weight", I guess you have to pay for that kind of service, though!

    We're here to help, but we're not YOU. Only you can figure out what you need.

    What generally works to lose weight is to eat less than your TDEE but more than your BMR. And the more accurate you can be with your numbers and intake, the more predictable the loss could be.

    And I do appreciate how helpful everybody is! :)

    I've had varying numbers for my BMR (1350-1450) and while I aim for 1350, I do have a margin of error of +/- 100cal. I def eat below my TDEE, though which is 1616 IIRC. I just wonder if not eating my calories burnt back is hurting that, which can put me at a net of roughly 1,100/1,200 cal.

    What I'm really trying to get out of this thread is opinions and what has worked for others. :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    What I really need is someone to just say "this is what _you_ need to do to lose weight", I guess you have to pay for that kind of service, though!

    We're here to help, but we're not YOU. Only you can figure out what you need.

    What generally works to lose weight is to eat less than your TDEE but more than your BMR. And the more accurate you can be with your numbers and intake, the more predictable the loss could be.

    And I do appreciate how helpful everybody is! :)

    I've had varying numbers for my BMR (1350-1450) and while I aim for 1350, I do have a margin of error of +/- 100cal. I def eat below my TDEE, though which is 1616 IIRC. I just wonder if not eating my calories burnt back is hurting that, which can put me at a net of roughly 1,100/1,200 cal.

    What I'm really trying to get out of this thread is opinions and what has worked for others. :)

    When you don't have a lot to lose, eating at a huge deficit from your TDEE (calculated to include exercise) is counterproductive, in my experience and from what I've read here and elsewhere. Do you have a FitBit? My suggestion is get a FitBit. Link it to MFP. Set them to have you lose 0.5 lbs per week, and trust it. Eat what it tells you -- you might have to take a couple weeks to make sure it's set up right. But once it is, it takes the guess work out of how much you should eat to lose.
  • monhumbert
    monhumbert Posts: 11
    What I really need is someone to just say "this is what _you_ need to do to lose weight", I guess you have to pay for that kind of service, though!

    We're here to help, but we're not YOU. Only you can figure out what you need.

    What generally works to lose weight is to eat less than your TDEE but more than your BMR. And the more accurate you can be with your numbers and intake, the more predictable the loss could be.

    And I do appreciate how helpful everybody is! :)

    I've had varying numbers for my BMR (1350-1450) and while I aim for 1350, I do have a margin of error of +/- 100cal. I def eat below my TDEE, though which is 1616 IIRC. I just wonder if not eating my calories burnt back is hurting that, which can put me at a net of roughly 1,100/1,200 cal.

    What I'm really trying to get out of this thread is opinions and what has worked for others. :)

    When you don't have a lot to lose, eating at a huge deficit from your TDEE (calculated to include exercise) is counterproductive, in my experience and from what I've read here and elsewhere. Do you have a FitBit? My suggestion is get a FitBit. Link it to MFP. Set them to have you lose 0.5 lbs per week, and trust it. Eat what it tells you -- you might have to take a couple weeks to make sure it's set up right. But once it is, it takes the guess work out of how much you should eat to lose.

    Thanks for that. I can def see what you're saying. I think I'll try to eat my calories back since I'm at such minimal calories. I'll look into getting a FitBit. :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    What I really need is someone to just say "this is what _you_ need to do to lose weight", I guess you have to pay for that kind of service, though!
    You don't need to pay for it. Read what zardoz wrote again. I believe that's your answer. At 5'4", 130lbs., you're going to have a slow loss and you'll need to be patient and track well and deal with scale ups and downs. Not "eating back" isn't causing your weight to plateau 2-3 weeks in.

    Good luck!
  • monhumbert
    monhumbert Posts: 11
    You guys were right, woke up this morning and I'd lost a kilo. I know it won't be like this every day, but it's nice to see that it's gradually going down, even if it does jump up sometimes.