Looking for MFP friends to keep each other motivated


I have been on a journey to try and loose weight and get in fantastic shape. In February I fell of the bandwagon and spiralled out of control and got back in some of my old habits.

Looks for some friends online to share stories, setbacks and victories to keep each other motivated on the long road to a healthy lifestyle.

If that is you feel free to connect.

#healthylifestyle #motivation #excitedtogethealthy



  • CptCappie
    CptCappie Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've fallen off plenty of times but get back at it.
  • Welcome back! You can totally add me. Let's keep each other accountable.
  • IndieCharlotte
    IndieCharlotte Posts: 9 Member
    you can add me, i've fallen of the wagon a good few times too
  • nikknight
    nikknight Posts: 7 Member
    looking for the same..Please add me! :)
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    youre welcome to add me :)
  • jlc102980
    jlc102980 Posts: 137 Member
    On the wagon, off the wagon - we've all been there!
  • jamesolmos
    jamesolmos Posts: 35 Member
    I've been on MFP for a few months and still haven't reached out to make too many friends. But the friends I've made are awesome! It's time to connect more and start motivating.
  • Crost0
    Crost0 Posts: 1
    Looking to stay focused this time, I get married in 5 weeks and want to loose at least 7 more pound by then. Its been a life long weight battle and I really would like to win eventually :)

    Add me...
  • Hi there, I'm on here every day and enjoy chatting to others, motivating if thats what you want to call it:) anyone feel free to add me
  • Peaceandwater
    Peaceandwater Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! I am also looking for people to connect with to stay motivated. I have been on and off the fitness bandwagon so many times but I have learned a lot in the past two years and now I'm ready for some new approaches. Please add me!
  • minusonali
    minusonali Posts: 65
    need motivation too! We can motivate each other
  • Hi you can add me I am also looking for people to motivate me
  • erinhaig9
    erinhaig9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    Thanks so much for the adds and sharing the motivation and tips truly appreciated!

    Look forward to cheering each other on. :)

  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Anyone should feel free to add me. More friends are always welcome! :)

    I log and post daily.
  • jeriagogo
    jeriagogo Posts: 1
    Please add me!
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    Anyone can add me, I am always on and love to help share experiences and provide motivation to others :D
  • julistehr
    julistehr Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in the exact same spot. Got off about 25 lbs and then 15 came back so easily!! Bad habits are hard to break. Anyone can please add me. I really want to be inspired and will try to provide the same back to you:)
  • SuzieA1991
    SuzieA1991 Posts: 45 Member
    Def. love motivating people and having people motivate me! I also post random tips as well since I have been through this a couple of time. Please feel free to add me everyone :)
  • Kasgal150
    Kasgal150 Posts: 11
    Anyone can feel welcome to add me too. I'm determined not to fall off the wagon again!
    TIFFANYLEIGHSMITH Posts: 41 Member
    Support and motivation from MFP friends is awesome. Can always use a few more. Feel free to add me!