LADIES ONLY - Trying not to panic but...



  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    See a doctor to get your hormones checked.

    P.S. Your fat is low which can also affect your hormones. Bump up to 30%; eat 0.4g per pound minimum. But see a doctor too as it could either be something else or have affected more than just your hormones.
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    I had something similar happen. I had lost 112 pounds and was training for the 3-Day, so I was at the gym or walking most of the time. I had also cut back on my fat intake (probably too much). My doctor said my hormone levels were fine, but I knew that having one spotty period every two to three months was not normal for me, and that whatever "textbook normal" levels were, they may not have been normal levels FOR ME. I kept asking.
    After some additional blood tests, he found that I had a vitamin D deficiency, which, as it turns out, can cause irregular periods.
    I take D regularly now and I also increased my fat intake. I have been regular for the past 7 months.

    Go see your doctor.
    Even if they tell you that you are "fine", if you are not yourself, keep asking. It may be something simple, it may be something else, trust that you know your own body, and take care of it.
  • ryliery
    ryliery Posts: 25 Member
    you can message me if you have any other questions!
  • lcangelini
    lcangelini Posts: 33 Member
    Yes! same thing happened to me. It eventually went back to normal.

    THANK YOU. How long did it take to go back to normal?
  • lcangelini
    lcangelini Posts: 33 Member
    I had something similar happen. I had lost 112 pounds and was training for the 3-Day, so I was at the gym or walking most of the time. I had also cut back on my fat intake (probably too much). My doctor said my hormone levels were fine, but I knew that having one spotty period every two to three months was not normal for me, and that whatever "textbook normal" levels were, they may not have been normal levels FOR ME. I kept asking.
    After some additional blood tests, he found that I had a vitamin D deficiency, which, as it turns out, can cause irregular periods.
    I take D regularly now and I also increased my fat intake. I have been regular for the past 7 months.

    Go see your doctor.
    Even if they tell you that you are "fine", if you are not yourself, keep asking. It may be something simple, it may be something else, trust that you know your own body, and take care of it.

    Thanks for the advice :) Glad everything is all right now!
  • socomary
    socomary Posts: 52
    Don't panic.

    Talk to your doctor.

    You might want to increase your fat intake, but knock something else down, like carbs. You do need some fat - a woman's body uses fat to produce the hormones that keep our cycles in balance. And anyway, with an increase in fat, you might feel less hungry.

    I also found that a daily dose of about 400 mcg of folic acid helps a lot with regularity - it's not just for prenatal patients. I talked to my doc about this, and it's all good.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    My periods went through a wacky time when I was losing weight as well. My weight is now at maintenance and has stabilized for a few months and they're still a bit irregular and I'm a thyroid patient which doesn't help. But it was a bigger problem when I was going through the weight loss. I'm not sure if they were always irregular because I'm paying more attention to my cycle than I did in the past.

    I saw a doctor and she wasn't very helpful, I was brushed off with "well if you and your husband aren't trying to conceive right now, then don't worry about it". Gee, thanks.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't freak out. Your calorie level, loss rate and exercise habits look fine. Sometimes it's normal that we miss a period or have a late one or a heavy one, especially during weight loss. I don't think our hormones are that easy a thing to screw up. But definitely at least call your doctor and ask if they'd like to see you, given your symptoms. Good luck!
  • Thickivory
    Thickivory Posts: 36 Member
    Don't panic! lol mine has completely changed since I started losing weight. I was a heavy bleeder, but now im a lot lighter. plus the brown is normal and clots too. I wouldn't go to the doc unless you bleeding uncontrollably light headed to the point of passing out or anything that is seriously not normal.
  • lcangelini
    lcangelini Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks guys! Panic level slowly dropping haha

    I'm gonna give my GP a call tomorrow anyway just to make sure but I'm thinking it's just my body reacting to the changes. I've heard that weight loss + diet changing is a source of stress on your body which affects our cycles anyway.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I've heard that there is some estrogen stored in fat cells and losing weight can result in some heavier periods, and I've experienced that at times myself. I never really researched it, though.
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    Agreed with all of the other ladies. If that is what a normal period was like for you, then ok. But since this is abnormal, it is best to let your doctor know and see if there is something wrong. Be sure to mention your eating/exercise routine so they can tell you if that might be causing it.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    The same thing happens to me. The blood clots are rare but if it runs in your family it is normal, i get them ALOT. But i do think it is best to call the doctor and get an appointment.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Could just be extra bleeding post a missed cycle but could also be that you missed because you were preggers and that what's happening now is a miscarriage.
    This is my first thought.

    What the OP describes happened to me in my late 20s. I was sexually active at the time, so I assumed it was a pregnancy that didn't take. Since I couldn't afford to even HAVE health insurance, no way I could support a kid. Whatever the problem was, I didn't notice any long term effect.