On the run?

I am a teacher and this last year was ... well... as hellish as they come. I was in constant stress, always on the go, rarely had a down time, etc. I stopped working out and lost my momentum (I was 100 lbs down from a high of 390 and ended up gaining weight back). I do not want that to happen this year. I need some quick meals that I can have at school. Lunch is supposed to be a 30 minute time-frame, but typically I get 15. That is IF I do not need to use the restroom, make copies, call parents, deal with behavior issues, etc. Any suggestions? My only restraint is that I am a diabetic, so I try to keep my carbs on the lower end of the scale.

Thanks for all of your suggestions!


  • Salads are always decent of course, throw in some chicken breast and only use olive oil and vinegar with a bit of salt as a dressing. Another thing that works for me is to make Burritos and fajitas for the week and freeze/refrigerate them. Then just throw them in the microwave. I don't eat much red meat so I always make them with chicken. You can use low-carb tortillas.
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    I am teacher too and our year sounds similar! What time is your prep? Could you push up/back your lunch until then so you have more time to eat?

    I buy the precooked quinoa bowls and add in some of the Tyson grilled chicken strips and maybe some balsamic vinegar. Quick and easy. I don't even heat it up because cold chicken doesn't bother me plus the line for our microwave is always 4 deep by the time I get to the staff room. I always have just the quinoa bowls in a desk drawer bc they are shelf-stable.

    I found I am less likely to eat lunch if I have to walk to the staff room because I want to use the time to prep for my next class or take care of quick emails so I also keep packets of almonds or quest bars in my desk for a quick "lunch" along with some greek yogurt or a cheese stick in a lunch bag with a freezer pack. Our lunch is super short too so I can eat those quickly and they will tide me over until my prep at the end of the day.
  • Starqz
    Starqz Posts: 9 Member
    I am teacher too and our year sounds similar! What time is your prep? Could you push up/back your lunch until then so you have more time to eat?

    Prep? I wish! I teach 4th grade so I get no breaks unless they are at P.E. I loooooove P.E. days! I actually get to see the bathroom in the middle of the day! lol
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I am sure this isn't the best advice but I would probably start having a bigger, healthy breakfast and dinner and just bring a protein bar and bag of celery/carrots/whatever to school.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I've always wondered about freezing a smoothie and packing in my kids lunches...you could try it! It should be thawed by lunch time.

    Other than that, its just a meal prep thing. Get yourself a stack of Ziploc containers, cook up a whole mess of baked chicken thighs (I get the bag of frozen from Costco - they are amazing with no seasoning or you can throw in some onion soup mix/olive oil/water) and steam a huge pot of veggies OR get those microwaveable frozen veg. Cut up the chicken to bite size so you can easily scarf at lunch :)
  • baseballgirl2027
    baseballgirl2027 Posts: 14 Member
    Similar situation here, but I'm a nurse...some days you have to make the choice of what is more important - going to the bathroom, or eating lunch? Not both!!!!! Haha!

    I usually carry a baggie of almonds/cashews/dried fruit, protein bars, etc. I also have an insulated lunch bag with freezer blocks, and I like to pack lunchmeat and cheese slices and roll them up in romaine leaves and dip in mustard for an easy lunch. Cottage cheese with berries or those tuna pouches make a good lunch too. Cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, veggies and dip, etc.

    I second what someone said about a big breakfast - if I eat a huge breakfast of eggs, sausage or bacon and fruit, I'm full until 1 or 2pm.

    Good luck!! My heart goes out to you! My husband is a teacher and you all are SAINTS!!!