Starting Over...

Hello Everyone,

I am 43 and married (25 years) with two kids (20 and 22). I am so tired of being overweight and not feeling healthy. In the past 7 months I have gained over 30 lbs and need to lose a total of 50 lbs. I am turning to MFP for support and accountability. Tracking my food really does help me and makes me think twice about my calories. I will also be starting Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred tomorrow. Not too sure what kind of diet I want to follow but thinking of eating more veggies and fruits with less bread and sweets.

Looking for supportive MFP friends...


  • tlog73
    tlog73 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! feel free to add me...I'm 41 and need to lose about the same amount. My weight has been a struggle for me my whole life. :smile: I'm looking for support and motivation as well! I started last week eating more fruits and veggies and less breads and treats. Hoping to start some sort of exercise this week, other than walking our dog who moves at a turtles pace. ;)
  • :smile: Thanks tlog73.