enough calories?



  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    A lot of people cut seriously back on calories when they start recording it. If your goal is to eat healthier and you have a complete diet change when you start losing weight, and you start recording it, then it can be harder for you to get that 1200. Like, before joining the site and making a goal to lose weight you could be eating whatever and not realizing how bad it is, but after choosing to lose weight and joining a site like this to track your calories, it puts a lot in perspective and makes you stop eating a lot of the bad things that you were previously eating.
    So *now that shes joined the site* she might be having trouble, but before she joined you dont know what kind of food she ate or whether she was always struggling with keeping her calories up.

    Edit: that also doesnt account for the other reasons for gaining weight, like inactivity, stress, having children, etc
  • bmorebatman
    bmorebatman Posts: 50 Member
    A lot of people cut seriously back on calories when they start recording it. If your goal is to eat healthier and you have a complete diet change when you start losing weight, and you start recording it, then it can be harder for you to get that 1200. Like, before joining the site and making a goal to lose weight you could be eating whatever and not realizing how bad it is, but after choosing to lose weight and joining a site like this to track your calories, it puts a lot in perspective and makes you stop eating a lot of the bad things that you were previously eating.
    So *now that shes joined the site* she might be having trouble, but before she joined you dont know what kind of food she ate or whether she was always struggling with keeping her calories up.

    Edit: that also doesnt account for the other reasons for gaining weight, like inactivity, stress, having children, etc

    this is true for me. i recorded for a few days before... about a month ago. i ate a whole lot less food throughout the day but it was a ton of crap and i ended up +300-500 over my goal "limit"... (and i wasn't even being completely honest with the diary). i am trying to pay real attention to actual portion sizes, which has been making the huge difference for me, knowing what i am actually supposed to eat, and then realizing that i am actually full when i finish that. rather than filling my bowl and mindlessly eating until its empty. i'd also eat "family style" with my boyfriend a lot and race-eat to make sure "i got my share" and end up so full i was sick and not even realize it.
    my weight loss history has definitely been a pattern of extreme cut backs (i'm only going to eat chicken noodle soup and green beans today! or i'm only going to eat 10 of my ww points today!... like if some is good, more must be better!) and then periods of really pay no attention to it at all, 30 lbs later...
    i also stopped drinking a year ago, and in this year i have dropped 15 lb simply without the alcohol in my diet. no other changes at all. so that is the momentum i am starting with. and while i am bmi-wise overweight, my main goal is not to be a skinnyminime, it is to repair my body. i really don't want to start off on the wrong foot by going backwards for my metabolism when i'm trying to do right by it. :smile:
  • Nixb19
    Nixb19 Posts: 22 Member
    These are the posts that I do not understand. How did people who don't know how to eat 1200 calories in a day get overweight? I am not in judgement, but in pure curiosity. To gain weight, a person would have to eat extra (like 2200+) every day. If you are really struggling to eat 1200 calories per day and that is how you have always been, and you are overweight, I think a doctor's visit is in order.

    For some people, there is a medical condition called Hypothyroidism (there is also hyperthyroid), basically, your thyroid glands stop producing the hormones needed to produce metabolism. So, if you don't see a dr and get it checked out, it doesn't matter how much or how little you eat and/or exercise your body will just store it. Before I had got onto my thyroid pill, I went from 170 pounds to 218 in just a few months. I was eating 900-1200 calories a day and exercising as well (mind you not eating those cals back). I also never ate fast food during that time either. But I do agree, if a person can't lose weight off 1200 cals or even 1500, and instead gains, going to the dr is the first thing.