Period and Weight?

Hi! I feel so weird asking this question as a 21 almost 22 year old female, but I am wondering HOW your period affects your weight loss? My period is VERY irregular. For example, some months I have it and other months I don't. This can go non-existant for up to three or four months. I am in the process of discussing it with my doctor, but I am wondering how it impacts my weigh-ins.

Do you notice that you gain weight before, after, or during?
Do you notice that you are more hungry, eat less, etc.?


  • lcangelini
    lcangelini Posts: 33 Member
    I get super bad cravings before I get mine haha but I generally don't weigh myself the week before as I tend to gain about 5lbs in water before mine :P
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I can gain anywhere between 2 and 7lbs in water weight in the days leading up to my period. I can also stay very bloated during it too, so the week or two around my period is pretty much just guesswork for weight.

    I also get very hungry with pretty intense cravings for sweet foods. If I don't keep an eye on this that water weight can become actual weight. I try and work with my cravings in my allowance and I forgive myself any mistakes. My periods are utterly miserable affairs, I'm not going to mentally beat myself up on top of everything else.
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    I can have my period two or the times a month and sometimes not at all. it SUX!! I gain a few pounds every time. but I just tell myself its water weight and it WILL come right off!! i keep fiber one 90 calorie cookies and brownies in the house and WW smart ones ice cream in the house so i never over eat my desserts when that ***** aunt flow is in town.