19 year old looking for some motivating friends!

blintaro Posts: 20 Member
Hello everyone!

I've looked on these message boards before and enjoyed reading some of the threads, and after a particularly disastrous day of eating I know that I have to get my butt in year and get some accountability.

I'm 19, turning 20 in September, and perhaps this is wishful thinking but I'd like to drop some weight and look like a regular girl when I finally hit the next decade. I'm currently 5'4, 180 pounds, heaviest I've ever been and it does not look good on me.

Problem is that I absolutely love food, cooking, baking and eating. Today for instance I made agedashi tofu, a Japanese dish with deep fried tofu , tsuyu sauce and onion. Which wouldn't be so bad but then I had to go and make some cake and of course couldn't hold myself back from eating way too much of it. Problem is that my motivation flags in the face of food, and is particularly vulnerable when things are going wrong like in my studies, social life and work life (or lack thereof). I really need some help staying on track from people who are going through the same thing because it feels like people around me just do their thing and their life chugs along fine, they stay at a relatively normal and healthy weight, whereas I get seriously thick.

And I can definitely tell my problems with food affect other areas of my life. I skip sports with my friends because I've eaten too much and know some of them think I'm fat. I'm hitting the gym less because it feel like "what's the point?" I'm not sticking to my study schedule, I'm not cleaning the apartment or keeping things tidy, I have no romantic life at all because I wouldn't feel comfortable dating at this size, and I'm not doing some of my hobbies because I have no motivation and feel overwhelmed and out of control. It doesn't help that I'm experiencing technical difficulties (a killer for a college student) and can't seem to get hired anywhere despite constant effort.

Anyways, I didn't mean for this to be so ranty but I thought I'd post in the hope there are people like me out there somewhere! If so I hope we can change together!


  • I'm Minnie:heart: . Feel Free to add me!
  • Jamerz888
    Jamerz888 Posts: 92 Member
    You can add me as well. I am Jamie. :D
  • blintaro
    blintaro Posts: 20 Member
    Added :)
    I'm Lin!
  • kaika_dragon
    kaika_dragon Posts: 101 Member
    Do you want to add me? I am new as well, and just turned twenty in June. :)
    This is my first time seriously trying to lose weight, as I have stayed steady at about 245-250 pounds since starting high school (I'm 5'9", would prefer to be under 200). Nice to meet you!
  • Hi :) I'm 19 as well, turning 20 in October. I love cooking and baking too, it makes this so freakishly hard sometimes :D But you can do it!
    I'm 5'4" like OP (highest weight 130 lbs), I am now at 120 lbs with 17.2% body fat. Feel free to add me :)
  • ClairAnnex
    ClairAnnex Posts: 15 Member
    You can add me if you like :smile:

    You are just a month older than me. :smile:
  • MolecularModel
    MolecularModel Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me as well! I'm just getting started -- F/20/152lbs, looking to lose 30 or so by the end.
  • Blufae
    Blufae Posts: 21
    Hi feel free to add me, I'm new as well????
  • blintaro
    blintaro Posts: 20 Member
    Hey guys thanks for the friendly responses! Consider yourselves added haha :)
  • Hey! You can add me too if you want :) I really need some motivated friends here myself! I'm 26, from Sweden with two little boys. I also enjoy eating too much haha. I'm 157cm and my weight is 87kg (which after some googling should be like 191 lbs I think?)
  • booboox94
    booboox94 Posts: 15 Member
    Turned 20 a few weeks ago. I need motivation as well, you wouldn't believe how much it helps! Feel free to add me :) xx
  • wlorenm
    wlorenm Posts: 37
    Welcome aboard! Would love to have a group to get through this all!
  • Feel free to add me! We are here for you through your journey :)
  • Hi I'm Felicia! I turn 20 in November .Feel free to add It's always good to have more friends
  • Sonora__
    Sonora__ Posts: 3 Member
    Kinda late on this board... but feel free to add me as well! I turn 20 in November and would love to have more friends after going off track. :)
  • 7w6sxChris
    7w6sxChris Posts: 15 Member
    Well I am a couple decades over, Im 32 but hey, age is just a number! WE all have things to learn from each other and I weigh exactly the same as you, so there we have something in common!! I am getting back on track with MFP since it is how I lost my first 20 lbs, and am building my support channel as well, please feel free to add me and we can encourage each other!!!
  • I understand how you feel, I'm 22 (23) in September and trying to get in shape while I'm still in my 20s because I don't feel like missing out on certain things in life just because of my weight and the fact I'm seriously out of shape :explode:

    I also loooove baking, and my love of sweets is probably gonna be the hardest thing to give up on. Maybe I should try to find some healthier things to bake and not be sad about the fact that it isn't covered in chocolate :bigsmile:

    Good luck on your journey dear :smile:
  • daphnec1994
    daphnec1994 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 20 and have about 25+ pounds to loose. Anyone feel free to add me. My diary is always open.
  • miapia98
    miapia98 Posts: 1
    I'm 16 and you can feel free to add me! :)
  • tamwins
    tamwins Posts: 22
    I can relate to you on a thousand different levels. I have many downs regarding studies, social, and etc. The one constant throughout it all was my weight. For me, my weight always kept me down (sometimes literally), but after a year of change, I can say with confidence that things do get better! I lost 30+ lbs, and am looking to lose more. Feel free to add me.