New Mom with 70+ pounds left to lose

Hi! I had lost 45 pounds when I discovered I was pregnant with my little girl. This was especially incredible because I have PCOS. She's now 7 weeks old and I've been cleared to exercise for the past week and got back on mfp. I had gained 17 pounds during my pregnancy but lost it and an additional ten pounds in the first five weeks post partum and have lost another one since. So that's a total of 56 lost since I started.

I had 128 pounds to lose originally so I still have 72 to go. And since I've been off mfp since the fall most of my friends are no longer active and I need some new ones!


  • ClairAnnex
    ClairAnnex Posts: 15 Member
    Hello. :smile:

    I have around 80lbs to lose! I have a two year old and a 6 month old.
  • Hello! Add me if you want to :)
    I'm a 26 year old from Sweden. I have two sons who turns 2 and 4 in the end of october. I need to loose around 75lbs (30-35kg)
  • SamanthaSchuh7
    SamanthaSchuh7 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your little girl!

    I'm 28yr, from the US, and have 60lbs to lose (and lots of healthy to gain!) Mom of 2 daughters, married 9ys to a great guy (even if he is kind of a man child....)

    Love to have you as a buddy!
  • mae1123
    mae1123 Posts: 1
    Hi, I am 23 years old and have been married for almost 5 years. I have 60 lbs to lose, and a 2 year old daughter who keeps me busy!
  • hbn1
    hbn1 Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats to all the new mamas! I'm brand new to the forums and looking for some friends also. I'm mom to 2 boys - 5 months postpartum from my youngest. I'm looking to lose about 40 pounds (whenever I get to where I feel healthy - not sure what weight that will be) and need a little moral support. I'm nursing and working out but haven't really lost anything after the first few weeks, so I know my diet needs some cleaning up. Literally all of my mom friends were those women who barely gained any weight and were back in their skinny jeans at two weeks postpartum, so I would love to friend up with some moms here who are in the same boat as me! Thanks!
  • pamkeast5
    pamkeast5 Posts: 7 Member
    I am an ECE working with preschoolers and their families. I would be happy to encourage you along. As I encourage and motivate others, that encourages me to stay on track. It is a win-win. :D
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    Im a little older and my kids are grown up now, but i am always open to new friends :) i have about 70lbs to lose so add me if you want to :)
  • Sharbear73
    Sharbear73 Posts: 96 Member
    Wow, you've done really well! I barely gained any weight with my two kids when I was prego also. Lost weight after and then slowly gained that back, so you are ahead of the game!
    Feel free to add me if you want another friend. :)